Florida Wetlands by:Maday & Dominique Wetlands are ecosystems typically found on the transition between terrestrial and aquatic systems.
Hydric soils Soils found in wetlands are called hydric soils Hydric soils exsist when an area is saturated,flooded There are two different types of hydric soils decomposed organic material, and those without. Each has unique characteristics. decomposed organic material, and those without. Each has unique characteristics.
Habitat Wetland habitat in wintering areas such as Florida are important in the overall annual cycle of migratory waterfowl. Habitat conditions during this non-breeding period affect waterfowl survival and reproduction in subsequent years. Ducks must maintain or improve their body condition during winter to avoid mortality during spring migration and to meet the physiological demands of the nesting season migratory waterfowl migratory waterfowl
Ecosystem People have been interacting with and modifying Florida's ecosystems for at least 10,000 years. Over most of this time their use of natural resources was sustainable. Their activities did not cause any significant decrease in the ability of the environment to maintain clean air and water, as well as productive, biologically diverse ecosystems. However, the massive human uses of Florida's natural environment in the twentieth century are clearly unsustainable. Deforestation in the north, wetland drainage in the south, agriculture in the center, and creeping urbanization everywhere have caused massive losses of natural ecosystem diversity and productivity. Perhaps the major challenge of the next century is to create an environmentally, as well as economically, sustainable way of living.
Not all plants can survive in wetland ecosystems. Wetland habitats, with their high water levels and increased salt concentrations, are too harsh for many plants. Most organisms that thrive in these environments only do so with the help of special physiological and morphological adaptations.
Challenges & Risks