Essay Format The Expository Essay
Basic Structure 1 st Paragraph: Introduction 2 nd Paragraph: Body 3 rd Paragraph: Body 4 th Paragraph: Body 5 th Paragraph: Conclusion
1 st Step: READ THE QUESTION Read it carefully Determine your point of view. Gather Ideas and examples that supports your POV and answers the question. Determine how you want to organize your response. Write topic sentences and a thesis.
Determine Your Point of View What do you think?
Gather Ideas and examples that supports your POV and answers the question Who or what are some examples of actions by people that would support your argument?
Determine how you want to organize your response. Make an Outline – 1: Topic Example: Analysis: – 2: Topic Example: Analysis: – 3: Topic Example: Analysis: Topic = who or what your talking about Example: what happened to them Analysis: how does this example support your argument?
Write Topic Sentences: Topic Sentence: Look at the outline Each point represents a body paragraph. Write a sentence that summarizes the topic and analysis for that paragraph. The topic sentence is the main sentence of a paragraph, which describes its content and direction. It details the main controlling idea of the paragraph. It also sets the tone for the organization of the supporting sentences that further explain the concept established by the topic sentence.
Write a Thesis: Do we benefit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect? Thesis: A statement of the purpose or main idea that also signals the organization of the essay. It must answer the Question. Re-use words in the question to formulate an answer in your POV Reword the question into a statement, then insert your topics and main arguments for each.
2 nd Step: Writing the Essay Every Paragraph will be at least 5 sentences! 1 st Paragraph: Introduction 2 nd Paragraph: Body 3 rd Paragraph: Body 4 th Paragraph: Body 5 th Paragraph: Conclusion Every sentence in your essay is going to work hard to support your argument. Every Paragraph has a specific structure to organize your argument.
Introduction State the title and author (if needed) Introduce the over-arching topic Explain the context or give background information Define any key terms State your thesis (the last sentence in the paragraph).
The Body Paragraphs 1 st Sentence: A transitional, general introduction to the paragraph topic. 2 nd Sentence: Topic sentence (signaling exactly what you are saying about the topic). 3 rd Sentence: Example (proof for your argument) 4 th Sentence: Analysis (what does that example mean and how does it support your argument?). 5 th Sentence: Conclusion (Sum up the point you just argued).
The Conclusion Rearrange the words in your thesis statement to create a concluding thought. This is a review, so no new information will be added. Extend, connect, and comment on key topics.