Why wind? What is the proposal? Who will benefit? What are the costs? How does it compare to the High School wind turbine? What happens next? How do I.


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Presentation transcript:

Why wind? What is the proposal? Who will benefit? What are the costs? How does it compare to the High School wind turbine? What happens next? How do I learn more? 2

Why wind? Long history of wind use on the island One of the windiest spots onshore in New England Island economics 3

What’s the proposal? The turbines: 2 x 900-kW The owner: the Town of Nantucket The site: disturbed land at the landfill in Madaket 4

The site 5

Site features Disturbed Town-owned land used for waste disposal for over 50 years Significant setbacks from residents Not a priority resource or habitat area Outside the flight path 6

7 Site plan showing setbacks

Who will benefit? The Town: lower electric bills at the Composter (where the Town pays the bills) and at other Town buildings (net metering) The residents: reduce need for tax revenue Everyone: – Defer the third electric cable from the mainland – Make electricity without fossil fuels or emissions 8

What are the costs? All-in costs under 10 c/kWh – About half the cost of Cape Wind Average savings of $400,000/ year after payment of all O&M costs and debt service Payback starts from Year 1 $390,000 grant from MassCEC 9

10 Savings rise with electricity prices How high do YOU think electricity prices will go?

How does it compare to the turbine at the High School ? Taller: 320 feet high vs. 156 feet high Farther from neighbors: >1400 feet vs. 290 feet More powerful: 2x900 kW each vs. 100 kW Lower rpm: will seem to turn more slowly 11

What happens next? Reviews by Town boards Board of Selectmen – TM recommendation Finance Committee – TM recommendation Planning Board – Warrant article recommendation Capital Program Committee Historic District Commission – Visual impacts Conservation Commission (electric cable from radio tower site) – resource area impacts 12

What happens next? Town Meeting warrant articles on April 4 Article 44: authorize land use for wind energy Article 45: authorize borrowing (suspended until 2012 ATM) Article 46: create overlay district and site plan review process 13

What happens next? Reviews by state and federal agencies Mass DEP solid waste facility permit Mass Historical Commission US and Mass Fish & Wildlife Services (underway ) FAA and Mass Aeronautical Commission National Grid electrical interconnection 14 Bird counter

What happens next? Procure turbine/complete detailed design Minor site plan review by the Planning Board Pre-borrowing review by the Finance Committee Final review by the Selectmen Special election for a debt exclusion Purchase, construct, commission, test, operate, Reduce Town electricity costs by FY

How do I learn more? Ask questions Come to public presentations Check the website at Contact Selectman Whitey Willauer 508/ or 703/