Expository Essays
Introduction Paragraph and Thesis Your introductory paragraph must always have a clear, efficient and firm thesis as the first sentence of your essay. Thesis=first sentence of essay! Thesis=demonstrates something you intend to prove. Thesis=a statement that is clear, efficient and provable.
Introduction Paragraph and Thesis For example, if the essay prompt is: How has the introduction and use of the USA PATRIOT Act diminished or strengthened the freedoms of U.S. Citizens from 2001 to the present? A possible thesis could be: Certain tactics used by federal agencies to implement the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act have diminished civil rights of U.S. citizens.
Introduction Paragraph and Thesis After your thesis is established clearly and efficiently the rest of your introductory paragraph should: [1] Include several [3-5] examples that you intend to use to prove your thesis. [2] Simplified and brief descriptions [1-2 sentences] explaining how each example will prove your thesis.
Introduction Paragraph and Thesis Level 5 Thesis and Introduction paragraph Certain tactics used by federal agencies to implement the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act have diminished civil rights of U.S. citizens. The use of National Security Letters [NSLs] by U.S. intelligence agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation [F.B.I.] and [Central Intelligence Agency [C.I.A.] to acquire potentially valuable information related to terrorists was unconstitutional. Recipients of NSLs were forbidden from publicly disclosing [gag orders] types of information requested by U.S. intelligence agencies. Such requests prompted lawsuits by NSL recipients citing free speech violations of the First Amendment. Secondly, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA] courts issued secret warrants to U.S. intelligence agencies granting authority to search financial, educational and property records to detect possible links to terrorism. As a result of these secret searches many U.S. citizens believed Fourth Amendment privacy rights were violated. Thirdly, the use of indefinite detentions of suspected terrorists has undermined the moral position of the U.S. The hypocrisy of indefinitely detaining so-called enemy combatants has contradicted protections guaranteed by the 6 th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Thesis Supporting sentences of the introductory paragraph will include specific examples [at least 3] to support thesis].
Body and Content Paragraphs Your body paragraphs must begin with clear and efficient topic sentences. The topic sentences will let the reader know how the body paragraphs will prove [help support] your thesis. You must have clear fact-based examples within each body paragraph that will explicitly provide an understanding of how your facts prove your thesis.
What to avoid in your body paragraphs? Vague statements that have little to no meaning and do not help to prove your thesis. Generalizations such as… All U.S. citizens are faithful to their country. How can anyone possibly know if all U.S. citizens are indeed faithful to their country? Stick to what you can prove with facts! Avoid pronouns such as he, they, we, us, them [Who are these mysterious people?]
Concluding Paragraphs Your concluding paragraph must serve as a way to remind the reader(s) of how you have proved your thesis throughout the essay. You should restate your thesis in the most efficient and clearest way possible [you may restate your original thesis but should narrow it even further]. Cite and summarize the most important examples [2-3] that you believe best help to prove your thesis.
Additional Thoughts and Suggestions Opinions are important and they are highly encouraged. If you wish to share and opinion be sure to support it with a clear, well reasoned, fact-based argument. If you do not your opinion is basically considered worthless for the purposes of including it in a formal essay. Proof reading your work is very important [do it 3, 4, 5, 6 times in order to remove errors and create clarity in your writing].