Welcome! The Erie Community Foundation & The Nonprofit Partnership
Erie Gives Three Year History In 2011 $770,000 was distributed to 213 nonprofits In 2012 $1.2 million was distributed to 257 nonprofits In 2013 $1.7 million was distributed to 285 nonprofits
What’s new for 2014? GE Transportation has once again generously donated $50,000 and Erie Insurance is in for $25,000. The Erie Community Foundation committed $100,000 to the project. TOTALING $175,000 This year all nonprofits have to pre-register on the Erie Gives website.
Building Donor Relationships It’s not just for Erie Gives…. Understand how your audiences think and what their interests are. Segment your lists so people get the information that is most relevant to them. Your core message can have a hook that is right for each audience. Think “two-way” instead of “one-way.”
Conversations As opposed to classic “outbound marketing” where you push your message out to a broad audience, “inbound marketing” tries to attract people to your messages based on their interests. For Erie Gives, practice good inbound marketing with some outbound approaches.
The Goals Discussion Why are you communicating and who are you communicating with? Fundraisers go for the older demographic because that’s where the money is. Print, , and traditional channels are used. Marketers look for long-term friends and look to appeal to younger supporters. Self-help information, training content, infographics, and white papers with teasers to attract views.
Why Do People Give? Donors get an emotional lift from giving. Key motivators: To feel happy To feel important To feel like part of a success story. To feel like part of a movement. What donors say: 1.I believe in the cause. (65%) 2.I want to make change happen. (30%) 3.People who are close to me support this. (20%) 4.They asked me. (18%)
What supporters want… Prompt and meaningful acknowledgement. Targeting their gift to something specific. A report on how the organization did with that specific cause – who is helped and how.
Engagement: Ladder, Pyramid, or Vortex? A durable engagement should: Allow for engagement at different entry points and allow for movement between those points. Allow for the donor footprint to expand and contract over time. Place the donor’s needs at the center of the engagement.
Engagement Campaign A series of s, especially for those who are new to a relationship with you, brings them in and builds familiarity and trust. Feature stories on the website to build more emotional commitment. Finish with a call to action for those who are most familiar and ready to commit.
Mapping Out A Campaign Creating Varied Content Select ten topics that are yours – that fit with your brand. Organize a garden of these topics with: – Evergreens (Think website) – Perennials ( Think newsletter and blog) – Annuals (Think social media)
Maintaining Your Message Garden Evergreen content 1.How-to articles 2.Top 5 or Top 10 lists 3.Values you stand for 4.Best practices 5.FAQs 6.Trends, timelines, and histories. Perennial / Annual 1.“Wordless Wednesdays” – evocative pictures. 2.Quizzes and interactives 3.Testimonials 4.Fun facts 5.News
Vary Your Message Set up a campaign calendar with varied messaging. Shift between channels / audiences with content relevant to each method of delivery: Information and newsFun facts InteractiveBest practices TestimonialsRepurposed content EventsAsks
Nonprofit Favorites The Big 6 Communication Channels 1.Website 2. 3.Social media 4.Word of mouth 5.Media / Public Relations 6.Newsletter / Print
What Channels? How Frequently? E-news or newsletter - Monthly Print communications time per year Website – update weekly Social media – daily (Twitter – hourly) Annual report – (____________) White papers, research projects, reprints of news, etc. – On occasion
Repurposed Content Five favorite ways to repurpose content: 1.Use a different channel for the same content. 2.Edit content for a new audience. 3.Change the perspective. 4.Remake it as a sidebar. 5.Update content from last year. Transform: Blogs to Facebook Narrative to quiz Quiz to worksheet To Q & A or interview format Newsjack: Build on breaking news stories. To advice columns To opinion pieces
How Can you Be Involved? Eligibility o Members of the Nonprofit Partnership o Have an endowment at The Erie Community Foundation o Complete your organizational profile at Check your Erie Gives profile for accuracy by August 5
Nonprofit Checklist 1. Check your Erie Gives profile at ErieGives.org. 2.If your profile needs any changes please contact Khristina Brown at or by August 5. 3.Download the marketing tools at ErieGives.org under the contact tab. 4.Promote Erie Gives to your donors and use suggested strategies with your audiences to turn them into donors. Remember the purpose of Erie Gives is to encourage everyone to be a philanthropist during 12 hours of online giving. 5.Share your Erie Gives campaign efforts with The Erie Community Foundation which we share on our social media platforms to build excitement. 6.Mark your calendar for Friday, August 22nd at 10 am when we will distribute checks at the Erie Zoo!
Thank You for Joining Us! The Erie Community Foundation & The Nonprofit Partnership