UNISA EMPLOYMENT EQUITY PLAN Office of the Principal & Vice Chancellor Corporate Affairs, Employment Equity Directorate & HR
Acknowledgements The following persons and teams are hereby acknowledged for their untiring commitment and dedication towards the Employment Equity initiatives and processes at Unisa: Members of the Executive and Extended Management Committees Members of the Executive and Extended Management Committees Directors of CARS, ISTE, School for Graduate Studies and Executive Director: GSBL Directors of CARS, ISTE, School for Graduate Studies and Executive Director: GSBL Members of the following units and departments and individuals: Members of the following units and departments and individuals: Assistant Principal, Assistant Principal, Vice Principal: Operations, Vice Principal: Operations, Corporate Affairs, Corporate Affairs, Employment Equity Directorate, Employment Equity Directorate, Human Resources Department and Human Resources Department and Department of Information and Strategic Analysis Department of Information and Strategic Analysis
THE CONTEXT THE CONTEXT Two parrallel process have taken place Two parrallel process have taken place – DISA investigation into workforce data and providing extensive workforce analysis – DISA investigation into workforce data and providing extensive workforce analysis - Corporate Affairs, EE Directorate & HR conducting inaugural EE planning workshop, 10 – 12 Jan Corporate Affairs, EE Directorate & HR conducting inaugural EE planning workshop, 10 – 12 Jan Following the first consultation within and with Portfolios, Colleges, professional and administrative departments the first draft EE Plans were submitted, February – March Following the first consultation within and with Portfolios, Colleges, professional and administrative departments the first draft EE Plans were submitted, February – March 2008
The Requirements The Employment Equity Act (1998) emphasises strongly the importance of consultation with employees on matters related to EE. The Employment Equity Act (1998) emphasises strongly the importance of consultation with employees on matters related to EE. In addition, the Code of Good Practice and our Unisa EE Policy underscores this position. In addition, the Code of Good Practice and our Unisa EE Policy underscores this position. A second consultation phase will take place between April and June 2008 A second consultation phase will take place between April and June 2008 The institutional EE Plan is to be submitted to Council along with the EE Policy. The institutional EE Plan is to be submitted to Council along with the EE Policy. The final institutional EE Plan will be submitted by the Vice Chancellor to the University Council at the Council Meeting in June 2008 The final institutional EE Plan will be submitted by the Vice Chancellor to the University Council at the Council Meeting in June 2008
Distillation of Main Points for the 2008 – 2010 EE Plan Staff attraction, development and retention strategy Staff attraction, development and retention strategy Filling existing vacancies Filling existing vacancies Creation of an inclusive institutional culture Creation of an inclusive institutional culture Expanding the “Growing your own timber” programme Expanding the “Growing your own timber” programme
Distillation of Main Points for the 2008 – 2010 EE Plan Unisa strategic partnerships as vehicles for affirming and mentoring staff Unisa strategic partnerships as vehicles for affirming and mentoring staff Retiring senior staff members: challenge and opportunity for EE Retiring senior staff members: challenge and opportunity for EE Implementation of the EE Plan Implementation of the EE Plan Crafting succession policy, strategy and plan Crafting succession policy, strategy and plan Addressing data and information integrity Addressing data and information integrity