REACH CURRENT PROGRESS IN THE SECOND READING Karel Bláha Ministry of Environment Czech Republic Prague, October 5, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

REACH CURRENT PROGRESS IN THE SECOND READING Karel Bláha Ministry of Environment Czech Republic Prague, October 5, 2006

SCOPE OF THE PRESENTATION Introduction, current state of art Future wokplan

EU Chemicals Policy Review Co-decision process & timing New Chemical Policy in Force: 2007? Opinion Commission Final Legislative Acts Conciliation Development of the White Paper Feb 2001 White Paper Feb Stakeholder Consultation 2 April 2001 Council Common Position 2005/6 Parliament’s 1st Reading NOV 2005 Parliament’s 2nd Reading 2006 Directly applicable in Member States Council Conclusions Parliament’s Opinion April –Nov Legislative Proposals October 2003 Proposal DG ENV DG ENT April 2003 Internet Consultation May-July 2003 Proposal DG ENV DG ENT September 2003 Interservice Process Commission Interservice Process Commission

Pre-registration and phase-in EIF12 months Pre-registration 3 years6 years11 years tonnes CMRs 1+ tonne PBTs/vPvBs (R50-53) 100+ tonnes Agency start up tonnes1-100 tonnes [6 months] 18 months Notification of SVHCs in SIA Non-phase-in substances

REACH Voting Calendar AM tabled CommentsConsiderat ion of AM VotesPlenary ENVI1185All AM available Evaluation done Sacconi 15 SEP 4 OCT14/17 NOV ITRE1301All AM available Evaluation done Ek 30 AUG13 SEP IMCO895All AM available Evaluation done Nassauer 5 SEP13 SEP

COMMON POSITITION 7524/06 COMPET 72 ENV 189 CHIMIE 12 CODEC 252 OC 224 (June 27, 2006) Common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency and amending Directive 1999/45/EC and Regulation (EC) {on Persistent Organic Pollutants} and a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 67/548/EEC in order to adapt it to Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals

Council AHWP Meetings  3-4 JULY: Discussion of EP amendments WD 31/06 (March 9, 2006)  JULY: Discussion of EP amendments continues  4 AHWP meetings scheduled in September Adoption of the Regulation in the second reading by the end of 2006 Finish should finish ! Council - FI Presidency 2006

Council AHWP Meetings  4-5 SEPT: Discussion of the PRES „non- paper“ WD 37/06  SEPT: Discussion of Pres specific proposals  19 SEPT – „Technical Points“  25 SEPT – Amendments proposed by EPP-ED  2 OCT - Discussion of Pres specific proposals  INFORMAL MEETING Council - FI Presidency 2006

WD 31/06 Rev 1 (June 22, 2006) The groups of amendments: - Duty of care - Animal testing - The Agency and the involvement of the European Parliament therein - Communication of Information - SMEs - Other amendments

INFORMAL MEETING Report from the high level meeting of Pres with EP 358 amendments – 22 % authorisation – 23 % registration + data sharing – 9 % animal welfare/alternative methods – 6 % Agency – 5 % access to information – 26 % miscellaneous (scope, comitology, nanomaterials, vulnerable populations, etc.) – many duplicates – some will be dropped before the vote for formal reasons (e.g. not raised at the first reading, not a ’new’ issue)

FUTURE WORK OF AHWP OCT - Determination of a mandate for COREPER for the negotiation ??? – hopefully none Finish should finish !

ENVI  June 21: first exchange of views on amendments  June 30: Draft Recommendation published (inet) by Mr. Sacconi (out of 230 amds., 49 retabled) and taken by Presidency in WD 31/06  Oct. 10: Voting PLENARY  Sept. 6: Common Position to be delivered to the Chair 3 (+ 1) months for 2nd reading !!!  Nov. 16 or  Dec. 14: Voting European Parliament

WHAT CAN HAPPEN on Nov 16 or Dec 14?? 1.EP approves the Common Position – proposal adopted 2. EP approves the amendments to the Common Position – proposal goes back to the Council CONCILIATION STARTS (6 WEEKS) European Parliament

WHAT CAN HAPPEN within 6 weeks ?? 1.COUNCIL can by qualified majority revert the EP amendments, provided that Cion agrees (if it is not the case, COUNCIL must be unanimous) 2. If the step 1 fails, a Conciliation Committe must prepare the COMPROMISED TEXT 3. COMPROMISED TEXT submitted to COUNCIL and EPCONCILIATION

WHAT CAN HAPPEN ?? EITHER COUNCIL (by qualified majority) and EP (by absolute majority) approves the compromised text PROPOSAL ADOPTED OR Either COUNCIL or EP disagree PROPOSAL REJECTED END OF THE GAME

Thank you for your attention !