OAS Decade of the Americas for Persons with Disabilities Building Inclusive Societies By Michael Bach Canadian Association for Community Living & Inclusion Interamericana December 12, 2006
Outline Proposed Vision for the Decade Dynamics of Inclusive Societies Proposed Objective on Society Proposed Strategies Proposed Mechanism
Vision By 2016, the member states shall have made substantial progress in achieving the spirit and the Articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, throughout their societies … And drawing on Peru Proposal … This will require building an inclusive society based on solidarity, equal rights and democratic participation, in which persons with disabilities are valued for their potential contributions to the community. Furthermore, in view of their exclusion and vulnerability, which render them the poorest of the poor, they shall be given priority in national and regional development and anti-poverty programs.
Dynamics of Inclusive Societies
- Democratic politics - Good governance - Human rights - Inclusive Education - Basic income, health and social benefits & services - Labour - Housing - ICTs - Transportation - Financial - Public spaces - Associations - Alliances - Local-to-global networks - Public sphere (public dialogue, independent media) Civil Society Markets State Equal Access Assured (building codes, employment equity, etc.) Accommodations Funded Incentives in place for SMEs, micro-credit Partnerships with government, employers, financial institutions, Rotary clubs to support SMEs, self-employment Social capital drives innovative solutions in labour and other markets Third Sector Options (non- profit housing, community eco. dev.) Guarantees for - Freedom of Association and Press - Investing in Capacity Building (awareness, partnerships, research knowledge networking) - Inclusive public policy dialogue - Democratic & participatory public realm
Proposed Objective on Society Based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the OAS Convention, To develop inclusive societies by strengthening capacity of member states, civil society and OAS institutions to eradicate barriers and provide needed access and supports.
Specific Objectives on Society Strengthen capacity of member states to develop and implement national plans to implement the UN Convention and to combat poverty. Strengthen capacity of civil society organizations of people with disabilities and their families to promote and implement the UN Convention and combat poverty as a means to inclusive democratic development. Strengthen capacity of OAS institutions to advance implementation of the UN Convention in the region, to combat poverty and to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in democratic development.
Strategies – Objective 1: Member States Peru proposal provides a framework Should be made consistent with UN Convention Should not require specific measures but rather a planning tool
Strategies – Objective 2: Civil Society Member states should invest in civil society capacity of people with disabilities and their families for: –Promoting awareness about UN Convention –Building partnerships with governments, educators, health and social sectors, employers, etc. to advance national plans, UN Convention and combat poverty –Research and information –Engaging in public policy dialogue with member states
Strategies – Objective 3: OAS Institutions Create and implement an OAS strategic plan to: –Engage civil society organizations of people with disabilities and their families –Create an OAS approach to inclusive development – to guide OAS institutions and related processes – e.g. in PAHO, Summits of the Americas, etc. –Support international cooperation across the region –Establish financial instruments for inclusive development –Mobilize knowledge strategy on disability and inclusion
The Mechanism A Secretariat authorized by OAS to carry out strategies An Advisory Board – with OAS and Civil Society representatives Hosted by a member state Direction to all OAS bodies to collaborate with Secretariat