Why This Campaign? Libraries are popular, but taken for granted. Libraries are ubiquitous, but rarely visible. Libraries are unique, but facing new competition.
@ your library ® External Goals Increase Americans’ commitment to libraries and their understanding of the value of libraries and librarians Increase library usage
@ your library ® External Goals Bring librarians to table at public policy discussion: intellectual freedom, equity of access, digital divide
@ your library ® External Goals Encourage librarianship as a profession In the long term, increase funding/ support for libraries and librarians
@ your library ® Internal Goals Ensure campaign is useful to libraries of all types Create tools, materials to help libraries, librarians, promote their value to their users and reach specific audiences
Core Messages Libraries are changing, dynamic places. Libraries are places of opportunity. Libraries bring you the world.
Priority Audiences USERS/POTENTIAL USERS Key to future of libraries Students Parents INFLUENTIALS Decision-makers and library users Elected officials Senior citizens School boards and administrators CATALYSTS Opportunities for building alliances and amplifying our voice Allies/partners Educators Media
Marketing The brand: all types of libraries encouraged to use it Brand is flexible and can be customized NEW logos and artwork with ® now available online
Marketing Tools Programming ideas, art, ads, sample press materials and more Campaign updates Share “best practices”
Marketing Tools ALA Graphics products to showcase brand
Videos Available
Marketing Tools Call toll-free LIBRARY the campaign staff Subscribe to discussion list
Marketing Tools National media outreach Local media outreach
Tactics Strengthen Library Advocacy Now! program Workshops to recruit and train presenters Network of advocates from all types of libraries nationwide
Evaluation Components Soliciting feedback via Web site Monitor media coverage Measure public opinion
Evaluation Components Quantify library participation in program Quantify number of people reached
National Library Week 2001 Launch First Lady Laura Bush and Mike Bordick of the Baltimore Orioles
Participating Countries: Armenia Korea Brazil Mexico Australia Moldova Azerbaijan Nepal Bulgaria Nigeria Canada Portugal Georgia Serbia Iceland Singapore Italy Turkey Japan Venezuela Kazakhstan
Maker and Distributor of Hershey ® ’s Milk Founding Partners as of summer 2003 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Raise awareness and interest in science, encourage young people to pursue science careers and increase visibility of NASA programs and findings Traveling, interactive exhibit
ABC-TV PSAs Michael Vartan “Alias” Constance Marie “George Lopez Show”
Tailored Campaigns Allow divisions to design and execute a campaign that is tailored to its needs and interests Ensure consistency with national campaign, your library brand and campaign’s goals and objectives and key messages Communicate nationally about issues while providing customized tools and resources to communicate at local level Maximize and leverage resources and best practices from national campaign
Academic and Research Library Campaign Promote awareness of the unique role of academic or research library and their contributions Increase visibility and support for academic and research libraries and librarians Help librarians better market their services on site and online Position academic and research librarianship as a desirable career choice Foster a greater connection with other types of libraries
Academic and Research Library Campaign Key Messages College and research libraries are an essential part of the learning community. College and research libraries connect you with a world of knowledge. College and research libraries are investing in the future, while preserving the past.
Academic and Research Library Campaign New toolkit available online at under "Academic and Research Library Campaign." New electronic discussion list about marketing and PR for academic and research libraries: ACADEMICPR New strategic marketing manuals available through 3M Library Systems Web site at
School Library Campaign Launches October 2003 AASL National Conference, Kansas City Enhance the professional development of school library media specialists Provide customizable tools and resources that support the advocacy efforts of school library media specialists Foster a greater collaboration with other types of libraries