UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Aerobiological Simulations Using Arc 1 Dr Cath Noakes; Dr Andy Sleigh; Dr Carl Gilkeson; Dr Miller Camargo-Valero; Dr Amir Khan
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Outline 1) Airborne pathogens and natural ventilation 2) Experimental study 3) Computational Fluid Dynamics 4) Results 5) Conclusions 2/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS PaCE Institute Pathogen Control Engineering Institute (PaCE) directed by Dr Cath Noakes, School of Civil Engineering. Aerobiology and Infection Control Experimental 3/24 Computational
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Airborne Pathogens Great threat to human health: Swine flu campaign… Effective ventilation can reduce Spanish Influenza ( ) million deaths Spanish Influenza ( ) million deaths Asian flu ( ) million deaths Asian flu ( ) million deaths infection risk in indoor environments. 4/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Natural Ventilation Nightingale wards characterised by: Nightingale wards characterised by: High ceilings, Large windows for natural ventilation. Many of these wards exist within the UK. Many of these wards exist within the UK. 5/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS St. Lukes Hospital AnemometerPartitioned Open ward 6/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Ventilation Tests – Pulse Injection CO2 sensors 3 x latex balloons 7/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Measured Ventilation Rates Pulse Delayed peak Decay – fresh air mixing Typical Results: Low wind speed 0.4 m/s ACH = 2/h (~30 m 3 /h) High wind speed 5.0 m/s ACH = 30/h (~450 m 3 /h) 8/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Flow Visualisation: Inlet Turbulence Turbulence Pulsating flow of varying duration Pulsating flow of varying duration Ingestion followed by extraction Ingestion followed by extraction 9/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Flow Visualisation: Outlet Less turbulent Less turbulent Controlled extraction Controlled extraction Efficient even for small wind speeds Efficient even for small wind speeds 10/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Flow Visualisation: Internal High-velocity air entry High-velocity air entry Rapidly decaying air velocities Rapidly decaying air velocities Range of length and time scales Range of length and time scales 11/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Modelling Challenges Natural ventilation unpredictable, flows are time- dependent, turbulent and reliant on ambient weather conditions. Simulations in large 3D air volumes are computationally expensive. Necessitates a steady-state approach – transient simulations unfeasible. Boundary conditions (inlets/outlets/walls) require careful consideration. 12/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD is a powerful tool for indoor airflow simulations. Utilizes the speed and power of computers to solve governing fluid flow equations. Step 1 = CAD Step 2 = Mesh Step 3 = Solve... 13/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS 2D Coupled Flow 2 m/s Velocity contours Pressure contours 14/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS 3D Model 15/ M 3.3 M 9.9 M
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS 3D Model – Open-plan Ward 16/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS 3D Model – Partitioned Ward 17/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Pathogen Transport Tests 18/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Windward Release – Experiment P1 P2 P3 HW2 Source HW1 Open ward: Even spread, dilution. Partitioned ward: Cross infection reduced (P1, P2), higher concentrations in central bays. 19/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Windward Release – CFD Open-wardPartitioned-ward Pathogen contained Mixing smears the pathogen 20/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Leeward Release – Experiment P2 P1 P3 HW2 Source HW1 Open ward: Even spread, average 15% reduction. Partitioned ward: Lower average infection risk. Concentration 76% lower for healthcare worker by source. 21/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Leeward Release – CFD Open-wardPartitioned-ward Partition channelling effect hinders progress of pathogen Efficient extraction, prevents spread of infection 22/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Conclusions CFD simulations complement the experimental results. Qualitative and quantitative comparison good, further model validation required. Arc1 facilitates significantly improvement compared with previous machines (Abax, Everest, White Rose Grid). Simulation times up to 4 x faster. Larger and more complex problems can now be undertaken: Time-dependent simulations. Higher-fidelity models (more cells) Enables computation on ever larger air indoor air spaces such as hospitals/offices. 23/24
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Thank you for Listening Questions? 24/24