Defining Success Slicing It Up!
In this lesson we will: NxG M.7.G.3 – Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures Focusing on right rectangular prisms and right rectangular pyramids (CCSS M.7.G.3)
Cross Section Example Here’s an example of using cross sections in the real world! – Justin is building a house. The first step is to drill holes and fill them with concrete. Justin is using an auger to drill the hole. Since augers create cylinders, the cross section of the holes are circular.
By the end of this lesson You will be able to: – Describe the 2-D figure formed when slicing a 3-D figure Describe the cross section of a right rectangular prism when sliced vertically and horizontally Describe the cross section of a right rectangular pyramid when sliced vertically through the center, vertically through one side, and horizontally
Let’s get started! You will soon be able to: – Describe the 2-D figure formed when slicing a 3-D figure Describe the cross section of a right rectangular prism when sliced vertically and horizontally Describe the cross section of a right rectangular pyramid when sliced vertically through the center, vertically through one side, and horizontally