1 24 Electrostatic Potential Energy
4 Example as shown:
5 SI Unit: farad [F] = C/V Capacitance: Charge Storage per Volt Applied
6 Real Parallel-Plate Capacitor Note: Uniform Field Fringing
7 Parallel Plate Capacitor E is nearly uniform
8 Cylindrical Capacitor r
9 r
11 Work done in Charging a Capacitor = (Q)(Vavg)
12 Q = VC Vavg = ½ Q/C Work = (Q) x ( ½ Q/C)= ½ Q 2 /C = area under curve
13 Energy Density Inside a Capacitor Ex: Lab Capacitor, C = 1F, V = 6V, vol.=2x10 -5 m 3. SI Unit: [J/m 3 ] about 35,000 higher than capacitor
14 Capacitors in “Parallel” Arrangement Ex.
15 Capacitors in “Series” Arrangement Q = 0 Ex.
16 equivalent value?
17 Dielectric Constant K reduces E and V (E = E o /K) C = KC o C = Capacitance with Dielectric C o = “Empty” Capacitor
18 Ex. K’s vacuum: 1 exactly air: paper: 3.7 water: 80 barium titanate: 1200 potassium tantalate niobate (0 °C): 34,000
19 Supercapacitors porous structure surface areas much greater charge separation distance < 1 nm very high capacitance
20 Batteries slow/special charging limited # cycles with decreasing utility short life high energy density poor low temp. performance Capacitors simple/fast charging over 500,000 cycles at 100% 10 to 12 year life low energy density good low temp. perf.
21 Summary Electrostatic potential energy Capacitance: field, energy, voltage, charge Capacitors in circuits Dielectrics /
29 Example with:
30 Rolled Parallel-Plate Capacitor (Can Shape)