Hall 180 Cryogenic test facility: Project management: Project Change Request, EVM and Interface Sheet L. Serio
Introduction The hall 180 cryogenic test facility for special magnets is a relatively small/medium size project involving several groups (12), departments (EN, GS and TE) and financing (CERN & GSI) It is part of a larger project (B180/SM180 test facilities) It requires reporting to external stakeholder (GSI) For this reasons and in order to efficiently use and share scarce resources we need and agreed to implement basic project management techniques and EVM High level project scope and requirements, conceptual design, PBS, WBS, baseline project schedule, budget, have been reviewed and approved Now it is high time to finalise the implementation in detail within the WPs to progress with the integration and project follow-up Coordination meeting L. Serio3
Basic tools Mailing list Sharepoint for information exchange EDMS as document repository, review and approval PBS and WBS at least at level 3 for each WBS Microsoft Project with resource (M+P) loaded schedule -> EVM Interface specifications and drawings Change request process Coordination meeting L. Serio4
Baseline: scope of work The Project Plan contains the baseline scope of work and requirements on which the budget and planning was established It contains your individual estimates and conceptual component breakdown It is available in my public (weekly updated) or in EDMS for the approved version It is being detailed and finalised toward a final design status with the detailed requirements and interfaces discussed / agreed with GSI and posted in EDMS EDMS: :V0/TAB3https://edms.cern.ch/nav/P:FAIR :V0/P:FAIR :V0/TAB3 Latest up-to-date Project Plan (regularly uploaded in EDMS): – \\cern.ch\dfs\Users\l\lserio\public\FAIR \\cern.ch\dfs\Users\l\lserio\public\FAIR L. Serio5Coordination meeting
Baseline: PBS L. Serio6Coordination meeting
Baseline: WBS L. Serio7Coordination meeting
Baseline: schedule L. Serio8Coordination meeting
Project Management support In order to establish a complete set of baseline documentation we have provided template to be filled in with your individual system details Requested at least to level 3 L. Serio9Coordination meeting
Template: WBS L. Serio10Coordination meeting
Template: Resource loaded WBS L. Serio11Coordination meeting
Template: Planning L. Serio12 This can be delivered in MS Project Directly with activity ID taken from the WBS or even in Excel; it is then reviewed and processed together with the WBS and resources (M+P) by David and Estrella to establish the global planning and EVM Coordination meeting
Global planning and WBS review Check consistency of planning and M+P budget Introduce InterProject Links to ensure coordination and interface Review project overlap and missing scope owner Finalise overall WBS and Planning Create a MS Project EVM tool for coordination, follow up and reporting L. Serio13Coordination meeting
Interface documents The Interface Control Document (ICD) is prepared for the following purposes: – Establish and maintain compatibility between the systems having a common boundary – Coordinate and control interfaces between interconnected components The boundary and interconnection can be either physical (dimensions, position, forces, etc.) or functional (service provided/received, main exchange parameters for operation/control/design, etc.) It shall be establish for all major system and interfaces within CERN and with GSI It shall be initiated by the system requiring first the input information to proceed with the support of the technical coordination and updated with the progress of the design and finalised with the built to print drawing stamped for construction; it shall then be confirmed /updated with the as installed drawing and performance verification L. Serio14Coordination meeting
Interface document scope The ICD is used to ensure that interfaces are integrated into the design, fabrication and manufacture, and installation and construction processes. Functional interface categories within the scope of this interface control document include: design, safety, operation and maintenance, quality, Instrumentation and control Physical interfaces within the scope of this interface control document include: architectural, structural, mechanical The ICD includes, where applicable: Complete interface engineering requirements (mechanical, structural, etc.) that affect the physical or functional conditions. The ICD describes or provides references to applicable drawings / documents to define all frozen interfaces. It also identifies all interfaces that need to be defined further in the course of the design or procurement activities and define the milestones to freeze them. The ICD is the basis for the interface management between related Work Packages and allows a collaborative concurrent design. L. Serio15Coordination meeting
Interface document template L. Serio16Coordination meeting
Interface document template L. Serio17Coordination meeting
Interface document template L. Serio18Coordination meeting
Project Change Request / Control Baseline Established (scope, schedule, cost) Interface documents and requirements tables being prepared and finalised (CERN and GSI) Changes need to be controlled and documented Simple process based on change request document with various level of review/approval according to: – Performance/Technical impact within the originating (change) system – Performance/Technical impact outside the originating (change) system – Schedule impact – Cost impact L. Serio19Coordination meeting
Project Change Request Document review/approval level L. Serio20Coordination meeting
Project Change Request Document L. Serio21Coordination meeting
references EDMS: :V0/P:FAIR :V0/TAB3https://edms.cern.ch/nav/P:FAIR :V0/P:FAIR :V0/TAB3 Project Plan (contains all up to date information): available in my public (weekly updated) or in EDMS for the approved version Project Sharepoint and action list – mgt/Lists/Action%20List/AllItems.aspx mgt/Lists/Action%20List/AllItems.aspx Latest up-to-date Project Plan (regularly uploaded in EDMS): – \\cern.ch\dfs\Users\l\lserio\public\FAIR \\cern.ch\dfs\Users\l\lserio\public\FAIR L. Serio22Coordination meeting