Analysis of Opening Title Sequences- Slide Show 3 Jane Lawrance Media Studies Varndean College
Brick (2005) Rian Johnson
How are the Titles presented? Focus features shown – production company Then a scene to set up narrative Then the title. Bold white font. Contrast white on black. Fade out. How are the Titles supported by the sound track? Slow sad music with a sort of distorted bell noise with added guitar and keys.
Like a Black ominous hole to grab the audiences eye. Characters seem to blend into walls Shows teenage fears and wanting to be hidden away, scene isn’t about him. That’s why the eye Is drawn to the tunnel. Dressed in white - innocence Dirty water a sewer or drainage type tunnel. Dark colour pallet Face down in water no identity LONG SHOT
MEDIUM CLOSE UP Hand covering face. No identity. Blend with wall. Glasses shows that he may Be smart. So why would he Be in the situation? Face in Half Shadow Wearing something like a Cross country jumper. Maybe Athletic character.
MEDIUM CLOSE UP Feet facing away from shot. Closed off. Pale and wet skin. Dirty looking clothes. Light reflected in water. No identity nothing distinguishing.
Same Bracelet as dead body – could be the Same girl – establishes a mental connection Between audience and image. Neutral colours used nothing bright even In the day time. Blurred background (common feature of thriller) makes The eye attracted to the in focus arm which cuts nicely Along the line of the bottom third. Still no identity to the characater. Lockers suggest a school. MEDIUM SHOT
Blurred image to introduce main character properly. Also used in ‘Arlington Road’. Lockers suggest school Low level shot used. Level with shoes not looking down At them giving the character a neutral presence on screen As well as this framed to the line of the left third. STATIONARY CAMERA MEDIUM SHOT TO CLOSE UP SHOT.
LONG SHOT Used to show separation from The rest of his social generation Neutral colours Normal setting/ high school (theme used in thrillers). Sunny average day. He is positioned on the right third line.
Even though he looks near the camera he doesn’t break the fourth wall. On the right third line, Where the eye is naturally drawn. Wearing casual neutral clothes. Sitting near a road the tarmac is a black contrast Like the tunnel in the first shot, however not as harsh. Glasses – smart? MEDIUM CLOSE UP
Character having conversation framed to look like A shot reverse shot. Without the other person Because of the phone. Framed to show the car coming round the bend Very empty secluded road for something That looks like a main road. Pay phone suggests an Older movie, because he Isn’t using a mobile to call his friends Very bland colour MEDIUM SHOT
Smoking - bad Tarmac is black which indicated bad as well as this has the cigarette and a black car on it. Black car Shoe of main character lined up like he’s following clues Still bland colour pallet even With a little bit of action. PANNING LONG SHOT
What elements of the location/setting in the first scene indicate the genre? Dark colour pallet used Dark tunnel in Mid Shot. Illusion of a void or tunnel vision. Dead body. Upset person in the opposite corner.
What does the first scene tell us about the character? That he has a connection with the female due to his emotional reaction and connection. He is upset with the situation he is in and has the body language to match it. Keeping him self distanced from the body and crouched low and tight like the fetal postion. He is not shown as responsible for the murder but is instead shown as an innocent. The distance from the body helps with this images.
How is the narrative introduced? The scenario at the beginning suggests a death. Tied in with the bracelet which sets up a story of suggested kidnap. Black car and smoking introduce the idea of the bad guy in the narrative.
How is the atmosphere created? How is it typical of a Thriller film? Normal setting Lonely character – male Black car and smoking represent a bad character. Dark colour pallet. Nothing is given away.
Sound Track Music slow sad music with guitar and ominous bells. Sound Effects Letter in locker, footsteps, water, phone ringing, car driving by. Dialogue Phone conversation