September 4, 2008 TAC Meeting Summary For Sept. 11 ROS Meeting Paul Rocha ROS Chair
TAC Voting Items OGRR211 “Deletion of References to Back-to- Back Import Capacity” Approved by TAC
Wind Issues Mark Garrett and WMS counter-part provided update on wind issues assigned to ROS TAC Chair announced formation of Wind Integration Working Group (WIWG) reporting to TAC Co-chaired by Vice Chairs of ROS and WMS Central clearing-house for wind issues Charter to be developed in initial organizational meetings
ROS Discussion Items OGRR208, “Voltage Ride-Through (VRT) Requirement” Black Start Analysis Reserve Discount Factor (RDF) Revisions ROS Endorsement of SEM Approach Draft Document TAC also approved it LAAR Study Estimated 1Q 2009 completion – ROS Chair requests update at each monthly meeting Advised that study future requests could be expedited if funds are provided to hire consultant to do the study with DWG/ROS review Market Participant Survey Follow-up