FY Budget Presentation to Board of Finance March 17, 2014 Government Center Kevin Murray, Operations Manager Parks & Facilities
Summary of Operating Budget Request Total Funding Request FY (All Payroll and Operating expenses.) $2,170,026 Change from FY Adopted$1,877 Human Capital/Personnel FY (Reflects only salary request does not include overtime or any other payroll/insurance related items.) None Associated with this Department Change from FY Adopted 2
Operating Budget Request by Activity Activity Name Starting Page Number FY Mayor’s Request FY Adopted$ Change% Change Contracted Services172$26,871$0$26, % Contracted Services-Security172$406,190$415,768-$9, % Contracted Services-Custodial172$723,094$699,674$23, % Payments to Insurance Fund172$55,395$49,348$6, % Telephone172$3,604 $ % Water172$27,966$23,700$4, % Electric-Utility172$689,000$724,500-$35, % Natural Gas-Utility172$91,474$87,955$3, % Sewer-Utility172$26,432$23,600$2, % Building Maintenance172$120,000$140,000-$20, % 3
Operational Highlights Implementation of program to reduce energy expenditures throughout the Class A building. Upgrade and renovation to several departments and locations within the building including but not limited to Senior Center and EOC. Upgrade of elevator system which in turn eliminated existing service contract due to new system being under two-year warranty. Selection of new security company which produced a savings of $9,578. 4
Financial Highlights The largest impact for this Department is derived from: o Contracted Services-Security o Contracted Services-Custodial o Utilities Contracted services make up 53.28% of total operating expenses and utilities make up 38.64% while the remaining monies designated to the maintaining the Class A building are 5.53% of the4 overall budget. 5
Cost Management Continue using the Purchasing Guideline procedures to executed contracts with vendors to get more competitive pricing thus saving the City monies of goods and services. Handling repairs and/or renovations by use of in- house personnel versus outside contractor. Creation of Contracted Services line item to better manage the maintenance contracts for the smooth running of the Class A building. 6
Significant Requests for The sole request for this Department is the filling the vacancy of the Operations Foreman position, which is paid out of the Maintenance Division, to oversee the day-to-day operations of this 10-story building. This position has been vacant for over a year and it is more cost effective and productive to hire a replacement versus having a Operations Foreman from another division trying to run the building from another location as well as the overtime costs associated with it. 7