Looking back and looking forward: what does the future hold for careers services? Joining the dots – reframing the careers landscape Dr Deirdre Hughes,


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Presentation transcript:

Looking back and looking forward: what does the future hold for careers services? Joining the dots – reframing the careers landscape Dr Deirdre Hughes, OBE Chair, National Careers Council & Commissioner, UKCES 30 th October 2012

EU and International Context Political, economic and social changes: –role of career education and guidance Lifelong guidance policy: –part of integrated human capital, social and economic policies Changing world: –skills and competencies for lifelong learning to exploit the potential of job-rich sectors Evidence-based practice and policies

Policy Goals Learning goals Labour market (economic) goals Social equity goals Reframed to support policies linked to sustainable skills and economic growth

Definition of ‘Lifelong Guidance’? What? Activities: e.g. information giving, advice, counselling, assessment, teaching, advocacy For whom? All citizens When? Any age and point in their lives Focus? Making meaningful life choices on learning and work. Empowerment to manage learning and career Career? Individual lifepaths in learning, work and in other settings in which capacities and competences are learned and/or used Where? Education, training, employment, community, private EU Council of Ministries Resolution on Lifelong Guidance 2004

Supply and demand challenges Source: ILO, 2010a, p.54

Youth Unemployment: a crisis in our midst Hughes, D. & Borbély-Pecze, T.B. (2012) Youth Unemployment: A Crisis In Our Midst, European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN), Finland: University of Jyväskylä. (i)What are the current trends and challenges facing young people and policy-makers across Europe? (ii)What policies, including good and interesting practices, are emerging in differing European Union (EU) Member-States in response to youth unemployment? (iii) What more can be done to address youth unemployment, drawing on lifelong guidance policies and practices? (iv) How can policies for responsive lifelong guidance services make a positive contribution to new and emerging government delivery plans within and across Member-States? (v)What are the key questions to inform the EU’s and Member-States’ education, training, employment and social inclusion priorities?

Priority Groups? Source: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, September 2012 (

Public policies and careers practices New questions concerning the adaptation of public policies, as well as the adaptability of citizens, particularly young people who are among the most vulnerable groups Differing forms of public, private and voluntary/community sector alliances are on the increase How best to harness new social partnerships? Examples of differing policy approaches e.g. work experience, improving the relationships between education and work, youth guarantees, job-search support, the promotion of entrepreneurship, guidance/counselling programmes, apprenticeships, internships, personal training records and active citizenship/volunteer activities.

Tensions impacting on careers provision Practice-orientation - New arrangements - New tracking systems - New partnerships - New markets - New players Policy decisions –Stimulate? –Regulate? –Compensate for market failure? –Capacity build?

Governments attempting to strike the right balance between: [a] process measures (e.g. improving education, qualifications and vocational training systems; strengthening industrial and environmental policies; stimulating employer engagement and entrepreneurship; activating community regeneration programmes; social mobility/inclusion strategies; and investing in labour market intelligence to provide better matches between supply and demand in the labour market); [b] outcome measures (e.g. linked to youth guarantees, increased usage of public-private partnership in delivery of outcome-driven results, and compacts with leading employers and/or chambers of commerce; strengthening internships and apprenticeships, retention and progression in learning and work). Seeking to improve the conditions for doing business

Joining the dots: basic propositions Economic and fiscal policies should not under- estimate the value of social policies Employability and inclusion targets should accompany long-term financial sustainability objectives Efforts should be made to create stronger careers and employability services and to advance better public employment services provided in an equitable and accountable way

Is there a need for a new social, psychological and economic investment discourse?

Some basic questions In whose interest do careers services best serve? –Individuals? –Employers? –Governments? What do we ‘know for sure’ about the career transitions of individuals and returns on investment from learning and/or work? How can the careers landscape be improved now and in the future?

Testing out some early messages An important policy lever for Government to boost policy to increase growth and understanding for new and potential labour market entrants. Careers advice needs to be commissioned at strategic level. A mechanism to provide the overview of the system, what is effective etc. A means to focus and speed up effective transitions and keep cohorts moving. If positioned properly a way of driving forward both at individual and population level. A market driver for the opportunity structure. A means of forecasting future opportunities aided by excellent LMI and destination data, that can be verified. A preventative measure to reduce false starts and waste of resource. © Source: NCC Work Strand 2, October 2012

ELGPN New Products 24 October 2012: -LLG Policy Development European Resource Kit for Policy Makers -ELGPN Progress Report Concept Notes 1.Flexicurity, 2. Youth Unemployment 3. Career Management Skills

Connecting the pieces: your voice matters

For further information, please contact: Deirdre Hughes telephone: skype: deirdre.hughes3 National Careers Council Visit: UK Commission for Employment & Skills Visit: European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Visit: