Needs and Challenges (Some identified) 1.Encouraging innovation and risk-taking by youth while developing them into responsible entrepreneurs 2.Facilitating mentors for youth, granting collective assistance and intergenerational knowledge transfers for a smooth transitioning workforce 3.Allowing youth to take a leading role in creating regional strategies and action projects that increase innovation 4.Allowing youth to participate in formal, non-formal and informal education, and labor markets, in addition to acquiring intergenerational, interdisciplinary and international perspectives
Strategies (Some identified) 1.Establish a fund specifically used towards youth projects that give youth practical experience and skills that can be used throughout their careers 2.Encourage and reward innovation, risk-taking, entrepreneurship, and collaboration 3.Allow youth to consult with decision makers 4.Involve all actors related to youth, such as government, schools, families, local communities, and the youth themselves
For Discussion 1.A framework concerning youth and sustainable development (ref. paper of Jon Yee, RCE Saskatchewan) 2.How to increase opportunities to expand youth’s skills and abilities? 3.Youth engagement 4.Finance 5.International recognition and endorsement
Output at end of the Session 1.Half-page summary of the session 2.One ppt. slide with 3 actionable points to be done after the conference