Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) Training and Evaluation October 2010 – March, 2013
HDC have trained 1,400 frontline workers in the city involving more than 90 organisations Delivered over 140 courses 50/50 split between general courses and bespoke courses Covered every Liverpool postcode!
Averaged 12 people per course Only 3 cancellations 89% of attendees have roles that involve them speaking to patients and clients 11% attendees were in Management, Team Leader and Administrative Roles. Averaged 86% attendance
The majority of attendees rated ‘knowing more about units’ as the single most useful aspect of the training. The resources were seen as very important – the Audit C helped to ‘do the job’ Referral services were seen as vital Confidence increased from an average of 6 (out of 10) for confidence prior to training to 9 after training. Outcomes
Our Challenge was to engage with all GP Practices across Liverpool! A Significant Partner Alcohol Resource kit Professional and patient resources Paper Audit Bespoke Training/ Briefing session Poster Display Kit GP Project – What was it?
A big ‘thank you’ to all involved GP Contract Neighbourhood Managers and Meetings Public Health Managers One of the top 5 Public Health Priorities GP Project – How did we do it?
100% uptake from all GP practice’s = 97 In addition 89 practice staff attended 3 hour general IBA training Post Project Evaluation – Packs and Briefing >90% useful or very useful – Poster Display Kits <70% had displayed them – Raising the issue >50% more often GP Project – What we achieved Headline News!
The training has been successful, has engaged frontline workers and created more interest and willingness to tackle what is a difficult topic. It has prompted around 75% of frontline workers to consider their own drinking behaviour. Six weeks later 60% of frontline workers said they had made small changes to their drinking behaviour. Health Development Consultancy – our observations
The challenges that remain: Frontline workers are more confident when speaking to people who are experiencing noticeable alcohol related problems (in any context). Raising the issue of alcohol with people who are not displaying any specific alcohol related signs of harm can be seen as intrusive and therefore more difficult to do. Frontline workers try hard to help fix peoples problems relating to alcohol – this can cause frustration. Health Development Consultancy – our observations
Brad and Angelina GP? Job centre? At work? Via girlfriend? At A&E?