Primer Planting an Inner City Church
Some things I believe Every community of need…needs a holistic, Gospel preaching, grace oriented local church in their midst. Every community of need…needs a holistic, Gospel preaching, grace oriented local church in their midst. The local church is God’s vehicle for social change: it changes hearts, it changes values, it changes the reality on the ground.
What if the church... Were… n All that church is meant to be, in its fullness? n Community of grace and care? n Emotional and financial safety net? n Source of relief for the poor? n Fountain of hope and renewal for the neighborhood?
What if the church... Were… n a model of ethnic reconciliation? n practicing equality of support toward other churches among the poor? n producing radicalized members who practiced and started works of justice and mercy?
What if we... Christians, really lived out our lives as a local congregation so that pagans could see our good works? What if we used our organic organization to be activists in the community, cared for people as whole persons, rose to meet needs, and were servants?
How do we build such churches? Four primary things have to be kept in mind. 1. The message 2. The mix 3. The messenger 4. The methods
The Message Good News n Salvation/forgiven n Conversion/changed n Loved/adopted n All of life/ all my life n Relationship w God n Power to fight and win. Good Results n New Submission n New Freedom n New Community n New Values n New Hope n New Vision n New Purpose
The Mix Contextualization n an analysis n a sensitivity n an understanding n an appreciation n an enculturation n a loyalty Cultural Congruence n You feel the pain. n You feel the music. n You hear & speak the language. n You participate in the joy.
The Messenger Qualified 1. Believer who believes. 2. Gifted/assessed 3. Integrity 4. Risk taker 5. Hard worker 6. Servant Quality 1. Friend maker 2. Communicates 3. Team builder 4. Fund raiser 5. Gatherer 6. Endures/tenacious
The Methods Models: 1. Evangelist/gatherer 2. Development or Ministry engine. 3. Daughter church 4. Presbytery Team Mechanics 1. Points of contact. 2. Greet, meet, seek. 3. Relate, respond, recruit, retain. 4. Involve, teach, train, motivate, promote, celebrate.