Shaping the future of the Church of Scotland uk
We live in a difficult time for the Church of Scotland – and the Church in Scotland Result of change
We are in the middle of a sustained period of change “A change of age”
Times they are a changin’ Bob Dylan 1964
Change is everywhere!
Church is caught in the change like everyone else - The change is very significant
Lothian Presbytery congregations 46 – membership declined (3 grew – 2 were transfer growth) 24.9% decline in membership
Full Time Ministers of Word & Sacrament
Baptisms – Loanhead Parish Church Average =
Average = 25 Average =
Community Moral compass Sense of belonging Place of activity Community builder Influence & Respect
Community Moral compass Sense of belonging Place of activity Community builder We have been here before! Influence & Respect Place of servanthood Requires deepening discipleship
This is a time of conflicting feelings and emotions
Fears and Frustrations Hopes and Dreams
Community How fully does this image or idea describe the church in Scotland and your community?