2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt RUSSIA OTTOMAN ABSOLUTIST THEO RY FRANCE Absolutely RANDOM
The name of the Russian landowning nobility.
Who / what were boyars?
These are two of the four ways we discussed in class how Peter “westernized” Russia.
What is introduction of the potato / a European military / Table of Ranks / intro western styles of dress?
The name of Ivan’s Secret Police.
What is the oprichniki?
Russia engaged in long wars against these two countries to gain access to warm water ports, in the north and the south.
Who are Sweden and the Ottoman Empire?
These are three of the ways Russia was backwards compared to Europe in 1700.
What is / are serfs & boyars (or feudal system) / Religion / Mongol Rule / Geography of Russia?
The name of the greatest of sultans; Also known as “the Magnificent” and “the Builder.”
Who was Suleyman?
This is part of the job of the Sultan, justifying his absolutist authority; it is Turkish for “justice throughout the land.”
What is adala?
In 1683, the Ottoman Empire laid siege to this European city, the capital of the Austrian Hapsburg Empire.
What was Vienna?
These are three reasons why the Ottoman Empire declined, in the 1700s and beyond.
What is / are series of poor rulers, population doubling, and a lack of industrialization?
This was the name for punishment of corruption in the Ottoman Empire.
What is siyasa?
This was the justification for European (French) Absolutism, referring to God’s choice of monarch.
What is Divine Right?
This group of Mongols isolated Russia from the rest of Europe for hundreds of years.
What was the Golden Horde?
This is the origin of Russian Absolutism (autocracy), as Ivan the Terrible had the power of life and death over the people living here.
What is the oprichnina?
This was the term used to describe the laws that enserfed the Russian peasants, preventing them from moving from one estate to another, regardless of their debt; these were renewed until 1906.
What are “forbidden years?”
Ottoman Sultans had absolute authority to protect these people, from this group or organization.
Who are the poor / helpless from a corrupt government?
The name of Louis XIII’s regent, the real power in France during his reign; he got France into the 30 Years’ War to counter Hapsburg power.
Who was Cardinal Richelieu?
This was the name of Louis XIV’s Finance Minister, a committed Mercantilist (same name as the host of a certain TV show on Comedy Central…).
Who was Jean Baptiste Colbert (last name ok)?
This was the name of the Alliance formed against Louis XIV in 1689; Britain, Austria, and Holland were part of this league.
What is the League of Augsburg?
Explain the cause of the War Of the Spanish Succession.
What is Louis XIV’s grandson became king of Spain and all of Europe fought to keep Spain and France separated?
These are the three ways that Cardinal Richelieu strengthened the Bourbon monarchy.
What are forbidding walls around Huguenot cities / destroying noble’s castles / taking sides against Hapsburgs in 30 Years War?
This French monarch referred to himself as the “Sun King” due to his belief that he was the center of the French state.
Who is Louis XIV?
This is the name of the people who claimed to be the son of Ivan the Terrible, during the Time of Troubles.
What are “False Dmitri”?
This was the name of the chief advisor of the regent of Louis XIV; he was a gambler and impressed the queen.
Who was Cardinal Mazarin?
This was why Suleiman supported Protestant governments, in Europe, during the 1500s.
What is to weaken the Catholic church (OR) to make it easier to conquer Europe?
This was the economic system maintained by most of Europe during this period; it saw trade as a zero sum game and relied on tariffs to maintain a positive balance of trade.
What is Mercantilism?