Bell Work 12/3/2014 Make sure you have finished your vocabulary builder. Answer in 3 or more complete sentences: What was the relationship between Charles Martel, Pepin, and Charlemagne? What were their greatest accomplishments?
After Charlemagne Kings lost power. Land-owning nobles raised armies, collected taxes & imposed laws. Nobles protected people in return for service. Fighting in the army or farming. This social order - Feudalism. By the 1000’s – hundreds of feudal territories.
Lord- high ranking noble with authority over others. Vassal – low ranking noble who served a Lord. Vassal helped in battle and was given Land (Fief) Knights were armed warriors fighting on horseback.
Nobles were the most powerful. Lords and Knights defended the society. Chivalry- Code for Knights. “Obey, Respect, & Honor” Knights trained by fighting in tournaments. The castle was the center of the estate.
Nobles, knights, and peasants all relied on the land. A manor was a farming community ran by a noble. A manor had a castle, the fields, and a village.
Freemen paid the noble to farm the land. Worked only their land and had rights. Could move. Most were Serfs. They were tied to the manor. Could not own property, move or marry w/o permission. Serfs worked 3 days for nobles and then for themselves Gave crops to the noble, paid to use the mill, oven.
Peasants lived in simple cottages in villages. Worked year round planting, harvesting & livestock. Peasants would break on Sunday for church and feasts. Women worked the fields, raised children and cooked.
Manors produced enough food for the peasants & lords. Heavy wheeled plows with iron blades and the horse collar helped farmers grow more food. People used water and wind power for grinding and sawing. 3- field crop rotation improved farming practices.
Exit How did the lives of Serfs and Freeman differ?