System Performance Measures WIBOSCOC Data Committee: CoC Workgroup August 2015
Info Brought to you by The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as amended by the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (HEARTH Act) HUD HMIS WIBOSCOC Data Committee CoC Workgroup
Measures as Outlined in Section 427 of HEARTH Act The length of time individuals and families remain homeless The extent to which individuals and families who leave homelessness experience additional spells of homelessness The thoroughness of grantees in reaching homeless individuals and families Overall reduction in the number of homeless individuals and families
Measures as Outlined in Section 427 of HEARTH Act Jobs and income growth for homeless individuals and families Success at reducing number of individuals and families who become homeless [category 3 measures] Successful placement from street outreach Successful housing placement to or retention of permanent housing
Some CoC Duties Design a system to assist sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness Promote community-wide planning and strategic use of resources to address homelessness Enhance coordination and integration with mainstream resources and other programs targeted to people experiencing homelessness Improve data collection and performance measurement
Why are these important? They will help us to evaluate and improve performance, serve clients more effectively HUD is required to use data from performance measures as part of selection criteria for awarding grants under CoC Program HUD expects CoCs to make appropriate local targets They will help us to evaluate and improve performance
Purpose of this presentation Become familiar with the selection criteria and process for measuring them as outlined by HUD Review preliminary measure output and share with CoC Determine community goals to begin establishing local targets
Measure 1: Length of Time Persons Remain Homeless Goal: Reduce the average and median length of time persons remain homeless WIBOSCOC Median: 28 days Average: 50.5 days *bed nights in ES, SH, TH 10/1/2013-9/30/2014 HUD HPC: Average: <20 days or decrease of 10%
Measure 2: The Extent to which Persons who Exit to Permanent Destinations Return to Homelessness Goal: Reduce the percent of persons who return to homelessness WIBOSCOC 16% return within 2 years 10/1/2011 – 9/30/2012 HUD HPC: <5% return or 20% decrease
Measure 3: Number of Homeless Persons Reduce the number of persons who are homeless WIBOSCOC PIT: 3,569 Annual: 12,245 *in ES, SH, TH, (or unsheltered - PIT) 10/1/2013-9/30/2014, PIT: January 2014
Measure 4: Employment and Income Growth for Persons in CoC Program- funded Projects Goal: Increase the percent of adults who gain or increase employment or non-employment cash income over time WIBOSCOC Employment: 19-22% Non-employment: 11-33% 10/1/2013-9/30/2014 HUD Goal: Employment: 20% Non-employment: 54%
Measure 5: Number of Persons who Become Homeless for the First Time Goal: Reduce the number of persons who become homeless for the first time WIBOSCOC 7,860 (75%) *Persons entering ES, SH, TH 10/1/2013-9/30/2014
Measure 6: skip
Measure 7a: Successful Placement from Street Outreach Goal: Increase the percent of persons who exit to an ES, SH, TH, or permanent housing destination WIBOSCOC 86% *to permanent, temporary, some institutions 10/1/2013-9/30/2014
Measure 7b: Successful Placement in or Retention of Permanent Housing Goal: Increase the percent of persons who exit to or retain permanent housing WIBOSCOC 45% from non-PH 87% from PH *bed nights in ES, SH, TH 10/1/2013-9/30/2014 HUD HPC: Non-PH: 65% PH: 80%
What is our goal? Stay the Same Get Better Set goals to end homelessness Set goals to become a high performing community Set goals to just barely meet HUD guidelines
What is our goal? When do we want to reach it?
Should these measures treat all agencies equally?