u By, Bryn and Leo
What is climate? In the spring it is 64 to 36˚F In the summer it is 89 to 56˚F In the Fall it is 66 to 38˚F In the winter it is 41 to 20˚F
How BIG is Utah is about 84,899 square miles big.
WHEN WAS THE STATE DATE??? The state date for Utah is January 4,1896
How many people live there? The population in is about 2,817,222
What is their motto? Industry.
What does their flag look like? Their state flag looks like this:
What is their state bird??? The American seagull is their state bird:
What is the main way to make money when you live in Utah? The main ways are mining, financing and agriculture.
The main body of water? The Great Salt Lake.
3 Main events that happened in their history. 1.The state date which is January 4, Salt Lake City hosts the winter Olympic games. 3.The completion of Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell becomes the nation’s 2 nd largest man made dam.
Important people in their history John Huntsman Jr. (governor) Gary Herbert Jim Bridger
3 Places that you might want to go in 1.Salt Lake City (capital). 2.Topas (camp close to Delta). 3.Some of their national parks.
Who is their current governor? Gary R. Herbert is Current governor.
Nickname Their nickname is the beehive state because the early pioneers worked like bees in a beehive.
Sources The internet Culture grams Digital encyclopedias Microsoft Power Point