Vehicle Systems Leading supplier of Flight Control Electronics Military … F-15, F-18, F-22, C-17, Typhoon, Tornado Commercial … A320, B-767, B-777 Leading supplier of hybrid propulsion systems and power management for intra-city transit buses and military land vehicles Leading supplier of advanced helmet mounted and head-up displays Supplier of Cockpit Panels and Cabin Systems for all current Boeing aircraft Revenues $1.5b Electronic Intelligence & Support - Platform Solutions – Chris Roper Power management & Hybrid electric propulsion systems Situational Awareness & Human-Machine Interface Prognostics and health management & support of large, high utilization fleets
Common Modular Power System (CMPS) Vdc Bi-directional converters Generator Inverter Integrated Starter Generator Cooling Fan Motor Assembly Export Power Inverter Vdc Bi-di Current force combat and tactical vehicles are running out of electrical power There is an urgent operational requirement for a self protection and IED defeat suite of subsystems on combat and tactical vehicles More power hungry sub systems eg Remote Weapon Stations, Electronic Counter Measures, Advanced Turret Systems The current vehicle power solution, the belt driven alternator, is approaching its power output limit Commonality of sub systems across vehicle fleets reduces logistics chain and whole life cost CMPS is an integrated, modular and scalable power management system that generates and manages electrical power for use both on the vehicle and as an exportable power source
CMPS Benefits Adaptable for new vehicles & upgrades eg Leopard, AIFV, AAPC
The LATIS system provides 360 degree vision, both day and night. An affordable highly capable local situational awareness indirect vision system for Armoured Vehicles and Mine Protected Patrol Vehicles. LATIS provides an information sharing network within a vehicle that interfaces to external cameras and sensors to provide a 360 degree day night, ‘see through armour’ view to the vehicle crew. Technology is internet based and Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) to reduce price and obsolescence issues. Scalable and adaptable for vehicle type, equipment fit and role LATIS – Local And Tactical Information System Adaptable for new vehicles & upgrades eg Leopard, AIFV, AAPC Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Medium Mine Protected Vehicle
Q-Sight – Head Mounted Displays Smart Vest Display Processor GPS/Dig Map Wireless Comm Video and Voice Soldier Health Mgt NVG Dismounted Close Combat A common display medium that is simple to use, lightweight, compact, and affordable. Displays IED warnings and intelligence in helmet mounted display Enhanced situational awareness by overlaying GPS, BFT, comms symbology on top of TWS, NVG, digital map imagery. Selectable inputs. AFV Head-up/out display for AFV crew and mounted infantry A powerful situational awareness tool – complements LATIS Addition of Head Tracker enables see-through armour capability Display still available when dismounted. Leveraged aircraft HMD to land domain – heads up eyes out