1 Title Slide (Name of your business) Names of students in groups Date of presentation Company logo, image, or photo 1-sentence summary of your business (Chosen mineral, mining technique, why etc…)
2 Overview Your “elevator pitch” 2-3 sentences that define the market, customer, problem/solution, and uniqueness of the business –What market/industry are you in? –What problem are you solving for customers? –Why will you succeed?
3 The Problem Compelling problem(s) to be solved Why is this mineral needed? What would go wrong in people’s lives without this mineral?
4 The Solution Describe your business What is your mineral or product created from the mineral? How does it solve the problem?
5 Market Who are the key players? What is the customer like? Describe who sells your mineral? (examples…) Market details Will people purchase your mineral once? More than once? How often? How much money will you earn in 3-5 years?
6 Process Describe the mining process. Do you have an illustration or photo of how your process works?
7 Competitive Advantages What competitive advantages do you have? How are you better than your competitors? Do you have a unique team, partner, invention, intellectual property, insights, or expertise that others don’t have?
8 The Team How many people make up your current team? How many employees do you need to hire?
9 Summary Summarize your three key points What is your business? What problem do you solve? Who cares? What makes your business more worthy of financing than others?