Aims and objectives At the end of this session the student will be able to Describe the process of conception Identify the positive and negative influences on conception
Conception Conception occurs when a sperm fertilises and egg. This usually occurs 2 weeks after a woman’s period when the egg has been released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube. If intercourse takes place at this time, it is possible to conceive.
Each sperm contains 23 chromosomes and each egg contains 23 chromosomes usually creating an embryo with 46 chromosomes. Genes are located on the chromosome. These contain all the information to make a unique individual – hair colour, sex, eye colour, hereditary diseases. Chromosomes
1 day after conception occurs the cells begin to divide
2 to 3 days after conception the cells are about the size of a pin head and travel down the fallopian tube and embed in the uterus wall. Hormones begin to change and stops the woman from menstruating.
Growth 8 weeks – embryo is 3 to 4 cm in length and has a audible heartbeat. Now called a foetus. Ears, eyes, mouth, arms and legs begin to grow. 20 weeks – half its full term length 32 weeks – half its full term weight
Activity Identify the positive influences on conception Identify the negative influences on conception
Further reading anner/pages/Vitaminsmineralsdiets.aspx anner/pages/Vitaminsmineralsdiets.aspx