MALAWI Mining Sector Review2001 Authors: Ellason. Kaseko Director of Mines –Mines Department and Grain. Malunga Deputy Director of Operations -MDC
PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. Malawi Statistics 2. Potential Mineral targets 3. Exploration Activities in Mineral Sector Review 5. Government Intervention 6. Incentives 7. Why Invest in Malawi
POTENTIAL MINERAL TARGETS l Gold and PGMS in basement complexes l Coal, coal bed methane and Uranium in Karoo complex l Rare earths, strontianite and apatite in alkaline rocks l Bauxite and titanium sands in Upper Jurassic to Quaternary sediments l Kimberlite indications
EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES IN 2001 l GSD: Bauxite and geo-chemical sampling on Au anomalies in the Kirk Range l Lisungwe Valley Mineral Resources follow- up on 18 targets for Au, Ni-Cr and PGM l MDC: magnetic survey on Tundulu phosphate deposit l Mulanje Minerals exploring for coal bed methane l Ilomba Granite Ltd mining sodalite syenite l Granite Ltd mining amazono-granite
MINERAL SECTOR REVIEW l Restructuring of DOM and GSD l Support to artisanal miners l Mining Policy l Mining Act l Mining promotion
GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION l The goal is Sustainable small scale mining through: - Poverty alleviation - Environmental protection - Initiation of rural infrastructure development
GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION l Activities: - Formalisation of informal gemstone mining - Provision of appropriate technology - Facilitate SSM financing
INCENTIVES l Political stability l Duty free status l Security of tenure l Free access to geological data base l Automatic conversion of Exploration Licence to Mining Licence l Transfer of Mineral Rights
WHY INVEST IN MALAWI l Political stability l Comprehensive geological data base l Political stability l Security of tenure guaranteed l Liberalised economy l Independent Licencing Committee l Cheap labour l Improved supporting infrastructure
INVITATION l Malawi invites you to visit GSM website at l 2 nd Minerals Exhibition and Conference in Blantyre from 25 th – 27 th July 2002 l Contact: Grain at Ellason at