Effectiveness Frameworks: Supporting and Encouraging Internal Change Christina Laybourn
The Australian Council for International Development: Code of Conduct The Canadian Council fo International Cooperation: Code of Ethics Charities Evaluation Services: Practical Quality Assurance System for (Small) Organisations Disasters Emergency Committee: Accountability Framework European Foundation for Quality Management: Excellence Model Humanitarian Accountability Partnership: HAP 2007 Standard in Humanitarian Accountability and Quality Management International Organisation for Standardisation: ISO 9001:2008 ISEAL Alliance: Code of Good Practice for Setting Social and Environmental Standards National Council for Voluntary Organisations: Campaigning Effectiveness People In Aid: Code of Good Practice The Sphere Project: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response Effectiveness Initiatives
1. Offer a signal of quality Provide a tangible reward: –Certification: People In Aid, HAP, PQASSO –Award: EFQM
2. Recognising organisations are at different stages Flexibility to accommodate diverse organisations: PQASSO, People In Aid, EFQM Tailor support to the needs of the organisation: PQASSO, ISEAL
3. Provide space for learning between peers Create opportunities for organisations to share experiences and learning: HAP Existing users are valuable advocates of the framework: DEC
4. Facilitate the process of self-reflection and planning The framework can help each organisation to determine where it is, and where it wants to go : DECAF, PQASSO Organisational self-assessment often needs support: EFQM
5. Provide ongoing support Adopting the Effectiveness Framework is only the beginning… Need for on-going learning, support and development
Supporting and Encouraging Internal Change 1.Offer a signal of quality 2. Recognise that organisations are at different stages 3. Provide space for learning between peers 4. Facilitate the process of self-reflection and planning 5. Provide ongoing support