1 “Where America’s Climate, Weather and Ocean Services Begin” FY16 Production Suite Plans Rebecca Cosgrove Chief, Production Management Branch, NCO August 4, 2015
WCOSS and the NCEP Production Suite Planning Process: Quad charts with model upgrade scope, schedule and issues/risks for the next 12 months presented to the NCEP Director and other Senior Management quarterly Developers submit estimated compute requirements for upgrades and they are mapped into holistic NCEP Production Suite view WCOSS System Details: Phase 1 IBM iDataPlex System: 620 compute nodes Phase 2 IBM iDataPlex System: 1080 compute nodes Task Order 4 Cray System: 2048 compute nodes 2
High Water Mark Charts (HWM) Total system utilization by model over the day Each set of nodes (P1,P2,TO4) has a unique HWM chart because resources are not interchangeable Operational NCEP Production Suite comes up from the bottom, test jobs drop down from the top Limitations: Can only assign shared node usage to one application, resulting in some underreporting 3
4 Production Machine HRRR GEFS Phase 2 Phase 1 HIRESW HWRF (6 storms) SREF CFS RTOFS HWRF (5 storms)
ECMWF-based Model Output Statistics (MOS) High-Resolution Window (HIRESW) Short Range Ensemble Forecast System (SREF) Global Ensemble Forecast System(GEFS) NHC Guidance Suite Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS) Global CPC International Grids AWC Graphical Turbulence Guidance Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model Extra-Tropical Storm Surge (ETSS) Climate Forecast System (CFS) GFS-based MOS (Sandy project) and NAM-based MOS Gridded Lamp Global Wave Model Near-shore Wave Prediction System (NWPS) RTOFS Atlantic FY15 Q4 Implementations Indicates Sandy Supplemental Project
Node Usage at end of FY2015 Quarter 4 GEFS Legacy GEFS SREF HWRF HIRESW RTOFS NWPS has stripe of 4 nodes Phase 2 Phase 1
Space Weather Prediction Center(SWPC) Geospace Model North American Mesoscale (NAM) Forecast System Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) National Blend Rapid Refresh Model (RAP) National Ocean Service (NOS) Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Global Wave Ensemble (GWES) NEMS GFS Aerosol Component (NGAC) NCEP-FNMOC Combined Wave Ensemble (NFCENS) North American Ensemble Forecast System (NAEFS) Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) Climate Calibrated Precipitation Analysis (CCPA) FY16 Q1 Implementations Indicates Sandy Supplemental Project
Node Usage at end of FY2016 Quarter 1 GEFS Legacy CFS Wave Ensemble SREF GFS NAM HWRF NAMRR HRRR GDAS GEFS GEFS LEG HIRES NWPS has stripe of 4 nodes Geospace has stripe of 6 nodes Phase 2 Phase 1
9 Global Forecast System (GFS)** GFS-based MOS** Probabilistic Extra-tropical Storm Surge (P-ETSS) and Extra-tropical Storm Surge (ETSS) Great Lakes Wave (GLW) Great Lakes Operational Forecast System (GLOFS) North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) NAM-based MOS RTOFS Global FY16 Q2 Implementations Indicates Sandy Supplemental Project **Moved from previous quarter
Node Usage at end of FY2016 Quarter 2 CFS Task Order 4 Phase 2 Phase 1
11 Weather Research and Forecasting Hydrological Modeling Extension (WRF-Hydro) Probabilistic Storm Surge (PSURGE) Hurricane Storm Surge Operational Forecast System (HSSOFS) Gridded LAMP NAEFS Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) FY16 Q3 Implementations *Initial list Indicates Sandy Supplemental Project
Node Usage at end of FY2016 Quarter 3 CFS HWRF WRF-HYDRO HSSOFS PSURGE Task Order 4 Phase 2 Phase 1