Maths Week 4 th – 8 th February 2008 Maths and Crime
Tutor Activities Thinking skills: Logic/Inverse problems Citizenship: Fingerprinting Literacy: Crime in the media Assembly follow up: Competition: Using crime statistics
Key Stage 3 Themed lessons: –Bank robbery (Speed, Distance, Time) –Overflowing prisons (Research the facts and figures) –Diamond robbery (using real-life graphs) –Millionaire’s Mansion
Key Stage 4 Themed lessons: –Stolen Goods (solving by simultaneous equations) –Policeman’s Dilemma (Sequences and patterns)
Visitors James Blowey Durham University Using maths to prevent crime KS3, KS4 and KS5 Chris Budd Bath University How maths can help in the fight against crime (lecture/workshop) KS4 and KS5 ITT Students Durham University Carousel of activities for KS3
Extra-curricular activities Staff competition - can you solve the crime? Daily competitions for pupils Interactive online competition for the local community Lunchtime showing of Numb3rs Series. KS3 STEM Club Theme
How you can get involved? Modern Foreign Languages: Solving numerical problems in French based on crime. English: Using crime statistics to write and present a news report. ICT: Fraud. Database containing crime statistics. Art: Photography of crime scenes linked to sequences
All proceeds to South Africa Expedition