Gocciole’s History In the 1984, was born the new line of the cookies called “Amici del Mattino”. These cookies contains a new ingredients essential to meet the italian’s good taste. The new product satisfy the desire of change the italian breakfast. The best of the products line are the «Gocciole».
Ingredients wheat flour chocolate 15% sugar cocoa paste cocoa butter fat cocoa soy lecithin sodium acid salt acid wheat aroma
Nutrition Facts Nutritional values Energy 247 kcal Protein 0,8 g Carbohydrates 7,7 g Sugars 2,5 g Fat 2,7 g Satured fat 1,5 g Fiber 0,4 g Sodium 25 mg
B-ready history In the 50° Nutella’s birthday, the Ferrero company launched the new product called Nutella B-ready,a biscuit that marketing describe how “a crispy wafer of bread with a creamy filling of Nutella”
Ingredients Hazelnuts cream 76% Hazelnuts 13% Fat cocoa 7,4% Skimmed milk powder 6,6% Pod and beans bread type “00” Wheat flour Brewer’s yeast Salt Protein of milk water
Nutrition Facts Fat23,9 g Carbohydrates60,4 g Proteins8,3 g Calories500/2.089 g Sodium0,207 g Fiber3,8 g Salt0,562 g
VS B-ready 1.Wich snack is the lowest in Total Fat? Gocciole 2.Which snack is the lowest in satured fat? Gocciole 3. Which snack is the lowest in calories? Gocciole 4.Which snack would you choose? Arianna:Gocciole Rachele:Gocciole and B-ready