ASTeC 10 Years On SRS Support Paul Quinn October 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

ASTeC 10 Years On SRS Support Paul Quinn October 2011

Themes to Develop The SRS The major role of DL Accelerator Physics and ASTeC in SRS Operations and Development Issues and tensions at the divide Conclusions

33 Years of the SRS in 1 Slide! >100,000 hours of delivered User Operations £370M Resource £50M Capital 7,500 direct staff years 37 experimental stations constructed and developed >11,000 users from academia and industry >5,000 research papers in leading journals >1,200 protein structures solved

The SRS 1975 to 2008 : A major scientific success story

DL Accelerator Physics SR DetectorsOperations SR Science Engineering SRD Monolith : Mid 1990s

DL AP/ASTeC Highlights 1975 on. Design of the SRS 1979 Commissioning of SRS Linac and Booster 1980 June First beam in storage ring 1981 April First user operations at 1.8GeV 1982 March First Scheduled operations at 2GeV design specification 1982 Commissioning of single bunch operations

DL AP/ASTeC Highlights 1982 November First operation of 5T superconducting Wiggler 1983 Switch from 16 to 24 hour operations 1983 Solution of a serious RF cavity window failure problem 1984 User operations exceed 5000 hours per year 1984 Installation of a first undulator device

DL AP/ASTeC Highlights 1985 Design of the High Brightness Lattice upgrade 1986 Installation of HBL 1987 Resumption of User operations 1988 to 1993 Numerous beam quality initiatives – Replacement and modernisation of all photon and electron beam position monitoring systems – Replacement and modernisation of all steering magnet control systems – Introduction of automated beam position control systems

DL AP/ASTeC Highlights 1991 November Installation of the 6T superconducting wiggler 1994 to 1997 Routine high reliability scheduled operations >6000 hours per year Microamp beams commissioned for calibration of astronomical detectors 1995 (Woolfson Report and first work on SINBAD and DIAMOND and the development of the three source scenario for UK SR)

DL AP/ASTeC Highlights 1998 Major shutdown for the installation of two 1.4T multipole wigglers requiring the relocation of all 4 RF cavities – After 20 years of storage ring operation, contributed to a number of obsolescence related projects to ensure viability to December Replacement of storage ring klystron power supply and the liquid helium cryoplant for the two superconducting wigglers

DL AP/ASTeC Highlights 2002 Installation of the an new infra red facility and a major new PX facility driven by a state of the art 2.4T mutipole wiggler GLS through Gateway 1 approval and initial funding of ERLP Variable polarisation undulator installed – last major upgrade stations operational. Start of ramped handover of scientific programme to DIAMOND

Station Plan 2005/0622 Full Time Equivalents (33 stations) 2006/0719 FTEs (28 stations) 2007/0812 FTEs (16 stations) FTEs (13 stations) Switch off Dec 2008 Science AreaStations Biology & Medicine 2.1, MPW10.1, 11.1, (12.1), 13.1 Magnetism, Surface & Nanoscience 3.2, 5U.1, MPW6.1 Materials & Engineering MPW6.2, 16.4 Structural and Environmental Chemistry 9.1, 9.3, (9.5HPT), 9.8, (16.2SMX), 16.5

SRS  Diamond SRS2005/062006/072007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/ X-ray Powder Diffraction DIAMOND High Resolution Powder Diffraction I11 July Medium Energy X-ray Spectroscopy Above 2keV DIAMOND I18; Below 2keV DIAMOND I06; & I VUV Spectroscopy 13.3 Infra-Red Spectroscopy 16.1 Non Crystalline Diffraction DIAMOND Non Crystalline Diffraction I22 April Soft X-ray Spectroscopy DIAMOND Nanoscience I06 side station Jan UV Spectroscopy 4GLS 4.2 Soft X-ray Standing Wave/Spectroscopy DIAMOND SISA I08 April X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy DIAMOND Core XAS B18 April MF Mini-Focus X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy DIAMOND Microfocus X-ray Spectroscopy I18 Jan Microfocus Protein Crystallography DIAMOND Macromolecular Crystallography I02 Jan Protein Crystallography/ Fibre Diffraction DIAMOND Macromolecular Crystallography I03 Jan Protein Crystallography DIAMOND Macromolecular Crystallography I04 Jan X-ray Diffraction DIAMOND Materials & Magnetism I16 Jan HPT - Extreme conditions X-ray Diffraction DIAMOND Extreme Conditions I15 Jan UV Circular Dichroism DIAMOND UV Circular Dichroism B23 Oct SMX Small Molecule Crystallography DIAMOND Small Molecule Crystallography I19 Oct 2008

DL Accelerator Physics SR DetectorsOperations SR Science Engineering SRD Monolith : Mid 1990s

ASTeC SR Detectors Operations SR Science Engineering SRD Break Up : Mid 2000s RAL Expertise

On-going debates on which technical and engineering specialisms should move into ASTeC Ownership and responsibility for equipment and assets Securing agreement on what technical projects should be resourced with 5 years still to run Relative priority of routine maintenance activities Some issues after ASTeC formation

Early 2003 : SRD “Wish List” for ASTeC Support (RF and Diagnostics only) – Replacement gun RF amp – Replacement 3GHz generator and amplifier – Replacement RF chopper amplifiers – Replacement booster cavity control circuitry – Digital SR cavity feedback systems – Waveguide and RF load modifications – Procurement of one more high power klystron – Update of all MPW fast interlock systems – Replacement of obsolete components in injector e BPM systems – Upgrade of SR BPM processing to allow msec orbit capture and bulk storage

How did we keep going? Sustained high level of professional support Sustained and strong group and individual commitment to the project (especially at times of crisis!) Effective co-operation and communications despite the disruption of management changes Ingenuity and determination (Never say die!) A good sense of humour

Keith visits ERLP