/Eretmochelys_imbricata.html Hawksbill Turtle Mackie Glashow
Tropical regions: Atlantic and Pacific Hard-bottomed and reef habitats (sponges) with masses of floating sea plants Live up to 60 feet deep
Critically endangered Consumed by: humans, sharks, large fish, octopi, and crocodiles. Bekko in Japan – cabinets, door posts, mirrors, etc. Nests are disturbed by dogs, humans, raccoons, and rats
Eat specific kinds of sponges Sea Jellies, fish, marine algae, and other plants and animals Omnivores Prefer to eat in large groups with an abundance of brown algae
25-30 inches in size medium-sized compared to other turtles Average weight in adults: lbs Live for years Young: heart shaped shell Males: Brighter pigmentation, thicker tail, longer claws
V Shaped Head (like a birds’ beak) Swim in a bird- like fashion 2 Claws on each forelimb How did they get their name?
See you in Belize!