A website that integrates learning several biology topics in one spot. topics in one spot.
Baylor College of Medicine Baylor College of Medicine created this website to inspire high school and elementary students to have a love and understanding of science at a young age It can also be used by teachers as supplemental information in the classroom to help students with different learning styles
ideos/ Videos portion of the website Contains supplemental information to what is taught in class Alternative lectures for students who missed a day in class or who need extra understanding about a topic
lides/ PowerPoint section Free slides the encompass all aspects of biology— from algae to zoology Slides can be downloaded individually or in sets to create presentations Can be useful when making a class project/presentation
brary/ Library portion, holds online texts that supplement information learned in class Includes magazines that cover research being done in the world and by teens their age Includes online digital media library that is free to download and use