ANSI Assessor Training Conference Call Thursday, August 22, 2013
Title | Location Slide 2 Section 1- Organizational Matters 1.1 Welcome and Remarks 1.2 Attendance
Title | Location Slide 3 Section 2 – Items for Assessor Training 2.1 Are cloud based technology service providers considered contractors/subcontractors? Different types of service providers a) Vendors selling software b) Vendors who have access to all exam materials, candidate data etc.
2.2 Lapse of recertification requirements. 2.3 Financial requirements for educational institutes seeking ANSI accreditation Title | Location Slide 4
New initial applications in 2013 Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice Association of Energy Engineers Institute for Energy Management Professionals LIUNA Training and Education Fund NAESA International New Preliminary applications in 2013 Japan Third Party Co., Ltd Federal IT Security Institute QEI Services Title | Location Slide 5
Applicant Accredited Organizations Accredited scopes
Establishing an ANSI Standards Collaborative to Improve Transparency, Quality and Trust in Credentialing
Project Phases Phase I : Steering Group-Lumina Funded $ 369,000 Examine the need for and scope of a Standards Collaborative Identify and recruit key credentialing stakeholders Produce final report including: (1) the vision and roadmap for standards Collaborative and 2) plan for developing a “conceptual framework and reference model” Phase II: Exploratory Committee Committee includes the steering group and representatives of all the major stakeholders identified in Phase I report Review Steering Group report and develop its own Collaborative recommendations and the roadmap and conceptual framework and reference model. Phase III: Launch of ANSI Standards Collaborative (if recommended and funded)
Steering group being formed ACE NAMI NGA CompTIA BRT Chamber APLU AACC Department of Education Department of Labor?? OPM??
Hot topics for discussion? Title | Location Slide 10
Section 3- Future meeting dates Assessor training conference call- December 12 PCAC meeting- December 4, 2013 2014 Annual assessor training- January Baltimore Title | Location Slide 11
American National Standards Institute HeadquartersNew York Office 1899 L Street, NW25 West 43rd Street 11th Floor4th Floor Washington, DC 20036New York, NY T: T: F: F: Vijay Krishna