Katie Sheehan Luqi Wu Lecture: Mary Barry
Environment Google Apps Google Apps Vs Microsoft Office 365 Case Study Expert Brent G. Wilson (Constructivist) Wilson Vs Vygotsky Technology WordPress WordPress Vs Twitter
Communication Infrastructure – allows users to communicate and collaborate information more efficiently over the Internet ◦ Can connect at any location/No compatibility issues ◦ address Example: Google Docs – share documents Benefits: ◦ No software/hardware requirements ◦ – 25 GB of storage ◦ Can be accessed from mobile devices
Similarities: Both are cloud – based environment and have the option on a pay-as-you- go basis for price. Easily to set up business applications and an eternal website. Both of them are useful e-Learning environment Differences: Google Apps offers more functions than Office and has more experience to handle corporate users Google Apps is cheaper than Microsoft and Google Apps’ basic form is free
Constructivist – learners are actively involved in constructing/building meanings. ◦ Learning constructed through mental activity. ◦ Creating a “mental model” by reflecting on knowledge and experiences ◦ Learning is adapting the “mental model” to new experiences Exploring an aesthetic or experienced based approach to technology and education.
Both constructivists Vygotsky – Social Development theory ◦ Social interaction plays a major role in the development. ◦ Two levels: Individually and Socially ◦ Zone of Proximal Development Wilson – mental development Vygotsky – social interaction to aid with development.
Powerful, free and easy – to – use personal publishing platform. It is also a general web development framework It is very useful for lectures to get feedback from students on a wide variety of topics
Similarities: Both of them are powerful, free and easy-to-use social networking Both of them are top 10 e-Learning tools in 2010 Differences: Twitter is limited on characters posted. WordPress also can be used as web development framework
Google Apps – e-Learning environment Expert – Brent Wilson Technology – WordPress E-Learning approach more beneficial than traditional learning.
Anonymous, (2010). ‘EasyBib Introduces Google Apps’. Information Today, p. 43. Barack, L. (2010). Schools Opt for Google Apps. School Library Journal, Vol. 56, Issue. 6; pg. 12 Braender, L, M, et al. (2009). ‘Using Web Technology to Teach Students about Their Digital World’, Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 20, Issue. 2; pp Brodkin, J. (2010). ‘Google Apps vs. Microsoft Office’. Network World, Vol, 27, Issue 9, p.16. Dills, C; Romiszowski, A; (1997) Instructional Development Paradigms. Educational Technology Publications, Inc.; Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey. Educause Learning Initiative (2008) 7 Things You Should Know About Google Apps [online] Available at (Accessed: 30 January 2011) Edutech Wiki (2010) Constructivism [online], Available at (Accessed: 31 January 2011) Google Apps for Business (2011) [online] Available at (Accessed 31 January 2011) Google Apps Goes After Microsoft Office.( 2010). InformationWeek – Online, January 26 Google Apps Marketplace Adds Education Category. (2011). InformationWeek - Online, January 25 Institute for Inquiry. (1996) Constructivist Learning Theory. Available at (Accessed: 01 February 2011) Lynn, S. (2009). ‘In The Ring: Microsoft Office Web Apps Vs. Google Docs’. CRNtech, pp Martin, R. (2007). ‘Computer Science 101: Case Study in Google Applications’. InformationWeek, March 26, 29. Mitchell, R. (2010). ‘THE GRILL: Manesh Patel’. Computerworld, Vol, 18, Issue 20, p.18 Security Software and Service Companies ;( 2010). ‘Cooley Law School Secures Identities for Cloud-based Google Apps with Novell Identity Manager’, Marketing Weekly News. Social Development Theory (L. Vygotsky), [online], Available at (Accessed: 29 January 2011) Talbert, M Q&A: CYBERWISE. Black Enterprise, October 1, 55. University of Colorado, Denver (2008) [online] Available at (Accessed: 28 January 2011) Wilson, B. (Ed.) (1996). Constructivist learning environments: Case studies in instructional design. New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications. Wilson, B. (2008), IDTrends [online] Available at (Accessed: 01 February 2011) WordPress [online] Available at (Accessed: 26 January 2011)