Vowel Sort a e i o uu o e i a
mix pig ink log box dog log box dog wet ten jet fan cat man Short Vowel Sort a e i o u Page Instructions Drag the pictures into the short vowel column in which they belong. Check your work by sliding down the checks at the bottom of the column.
jet mix ink rug log cat Page Instructions Write the word for each short vowel picture or drag the letters from below to spell the word. Drag the check mark to the left to check your answer. H int: If you have difficulty selecting an item on the the white of page, click the red background above the box and then try again.
bed cup map ham egg clock
pot web bus nut man fish
flute ruler fruit boat nose bone bike pie kite bee key leaf cake grape whale a Long Vowel Sort e i o u Page Instructions Drag the pictures into the long vowel column in which they belong. Check your work by sliding down the checks at the bottom of the column.
kite bike bee whale leaf cake Page Instructions Write the word for each long vowel picture or drag the letters from below to spell the word. Drag the check mark to the left to check your answer. H int: If you have difficulty selecting an item on the the white of page, click the red background above the box and then try again.
flute snake goat rake ruler dice
pot web bus nut man fish