Day 4: Speaking English – What do you understand? Entry Level 1 Course Tutor: Giselle Ruoss Course Assistant: Frances Saggers
How are you feeling?
What did you like about this week?
Task 1: Draw a picture or write a sentence about what you like about the course
Task 2: Draw a picture or write a sentence about what you would like more of in the next course.
Task 3: Draw a picture or write a sentence about what you did not like about this course
What did you like about Tuesday? First words Why?__________________ Meeting people Why?___________________ Asking questions Why?________________
What did you like about Tuesday? What is your name? Why? ________________ Time of day? Why?_______ How are you feeling? Why?______________
What did you like about Tuesday? Counting Why?________ Do you like? Why?___________
What did you like about Tuesday? Personal Pronouns Why?__________________ Useful sentences Why?_____________
What did like about Tuesday? Would you like? Why? ___________ Days of the week Why?___________
What did you like about Tuesday? Months of the year Why?______________ Seasons Why?_______________
What did you like about Tuesday? Time Why?___________ Special Occasions Why?_____________
What did you like about Tuesday? Travel Why? _______________ Family Why?________________
What did you like about Tuesday? Place Why? ____________ Work Why?___________
What did you like about Tuesday? Questions about work Why? _____________ Food Why?________
What did you like about Tuesday? Past, present and future tense Why?____________ Past, present and future tense sentences? Why?____________
What did you like about Wednesday? Name game Why?__________ How are you feeling? Why? ___________
What did you like about Wednesday? Do you like …? game Why?____________ Time words and pictures Why?____________
What did you like about Wednesday? Questions and words about numbers Why? ___________ More numbers Why?_____________
What did you like about Wednesday? Before and after numbers Why? ______________ Before and after days of the week Why?____________
What did you like about Wednesday? Question words Why?____________ How often? Why?____________
What did you like about Wednesday? 6 question words Why?____________ how, what, who, where, why and when What does _________ like?
What did you like about Thursday? Make a date Why?____________ Objects Why? ____________
What did you like about Thursday? Place (position) _________? Why? _____________ Position game Why? ___________
What did you like about Thursday? Talking about dates and place Why?_____________ Place order Why?_________________
What did you like about Thursday? Place numbers game Why? ______________ Place (travel) Why? _________ Time (12 hour clock) Why? __________
Task 4: What do you want to do on your next course? Draw a picture or write a sentence.
Goodbye. See you all on the next course.