The 6 th grade Research class will be utilizing the Florida State Standards for English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. The purpose of this course is to strengthen the research, reading, writing, and informational skills of our students. These skills are important to have for every subject students study this year, not just English Language Arts. Our primary textbooks will be Crosswalk Coach and Inquire.
All students are expected to: › Be seated and working when the bell rings. › No eating, drinking, or chewing gum. › Respect your teacher and classmates. › Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Consequences: 1.Verbal warning 2.Pre-Detention (written warning)/ Phone Call Home 3.Detention 4.Pre-referral 5.Referral
Post it notes- ‐ 3x3, Headphones/Earbuds 15 plastic sheet protectors Duo tang folder with prongs & pockets Basic Supplies Lined paper Pens (red, blue, black) #2 Pencils (mechanical preferred) Colored Pencils/ Markers/ Crayons/ Highlig hters Handheld Sharpener/ Ruler/ Calculator/ Scissors/ Glue Stick
If you would like to donate one of the following items, it would be greatly appreciated. Hand Sanitizer Clorox Wipes Tissues Paper Towels Markers Crayons Colored Pencils Copy Paper Pens/Pencils Dry Erase Markers Any type of supply is always welcome
There may be one book report per quarter, and they are usually done in class.
1-2 projects per quarter Rubrics and checklists for all take home projects will be given in class and posted on Ms. Grants website.
It is important for students to review the notes that they have taken in class and re-read the information we have covered in the textbook.
Late Work: Assignments that are late will be dropped one letter grade for each day late. Make-Up Work: It is each student’s responsibility to make-up work missed due to absences or tardies. They are given two days for every missed day to make-up their work. However, if the assignment was assigned prior to the absence, it is due on the day returned. Students are responsible for checking the website upon their return to class.
You can view your child’s grades online at the Pinnacle Internet Viewer. The link is located on The Student ID and a Password is needed. › Password = Date of Birth (YYYYMMDD)
Updated daily Class schedule and homework Announcements and upcoming events PowerPoint Notes Links to other websites
Remind101 is an easy and safe way for Ms. Grant to send text messages to students and parents about HW, projects, and important class information. Its 100% free and YES THERE IS AN APP FOR IT! Search Remind101 in your application store and download it today!
6th period students & parents Send this tgrant6 To 81010
DEAR Students are required to have a novel in backpack daily… BUILD THE READING HABIT!!!!
Novel Newspaper Comic book Graphic novel Magazine
The best way to reach me is through › 6 th Grade Center › (754)