September 10 & 11, 2014 (Wed. and Thurs.) 9 AM - 5 PM (Add this to your syllabus)
In order to receive credit, give me proof of your attendance: A completed “scavenger hunt” sheet. OR A note signed by a librarian as proof. OR me a selfie of yourself at the library.
Avoid Plagiarism: properly quoting, paraphrasing, and citing Practice Peer Review: thesis and topic sentences Walk to important locations on campus: 220 Boucke, Library, Kern Atrium
Opening Activity In Models for Writers, read pages silently. 1. If you copy and paste an author’s exact words and forget the quotation marks, what impression do you give your reader? 2. More importantly, why is giving this impression dishonest? 3. What does “unacceptably close wording” mean? 4. What does “unacceptably close sentence structure” mean? 5. Why are they unacceptable? Why is sloppiness in citation considered morally wrong?
Small Group Discussion Share your answers with a partner, and check to make sure everyone understands these concepts. Confirm your answers with Jonathan.
Practice paraphrasing and citing this definition in APA format: “Objectification is a notion central to feminist theory. It can be roughly defined as the seeing and/or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object” (Papadaki, 2014). This quote is from the following online article: Papadaki, E. (2014). Feminist perspectives on objectification. In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. E. N. Zalta (Ed.). Retrieved from objectification