Welcome to Language Arts- Please come in and sit down- Take out notebook, homework and agenda. Copy in Agenda- Homework- Two Vocabulary Squares: Graphic Aid, Italics
Second Block! Come in and sit silently. DO not unpack anything at all
Grammar and Vocabulary Warm Up 1. List 10 examples of nouns. 2. Complete the vocabulary square Caption Definition:6 th Grade Sentence: Synonym:Illustration:
Warm Up- Copy in NEXT Page of your Journal Text- Words of any kind Title- Beginning of text- tells what the text is about. Subtitle- Brief explanation under the title Caption- Description of a picture or graphic Heading- Beginning of a section- tells what the section is about Subheading- Smaller heading of a section Graphic Aid- Visual that helps you understand text Bold Face- words that are larger so that they stand out Italic- slanted words which stand out
Scavenger Hunt Work together and use the library books to locate as many text features as possible. Describe the feature(what is it called? What does it look like? Answer- How does it help you read NF text? Each person will complete the scavenger hunt chart.
In Class Project- Text Features Brochure You will work with one partner. Choose a topic from one of the books we used for the scavenger hunt. Pick a section or chapter- READ IT! Create a brochure to summarize the section that you read. Use text features to display the information. It must contain the following:
Rubric for In Class Project Use at least 8 text features (chart, graph, bold, italics, title, heading, subheading etc.) 10 -Points each Must contain accurate information from the text you read- 10 points Be your best work- neat and creative- 10 points
Ticket Out- Essential Question Review Which text feature is most helpful? How do you use non- fiction in everyday life?