School Day SAT Information Distribution February 11, 2015 Advisory
Today you will receive: Unique College Board SAT voucher card Letter to Parents/Guardians Online Registration Information College Board SAT handout
School Day SAT The School Day SAT will be held on Wednesday, April 15 th All 11 th grade students in Delaware will take the School Day SAT on April 15 th Students who are absent on April 15 th will be rescheduled for the make-up SAT date (TBD) All students must register for the School Day SAT
Online Registration It is highly recommended that students register for the SAT at home Students need an address to register Students can only have 1 account with College Board (you can create a 2 nd account with College Board, but you will not be able to use it for registration) If you have difficulty registering, please call College Board. AHS counselors do not have access to your College Board account information.
Online Registration Step-by-Step directions for creating an account and registering online will be posted on the AHS website At the end of registration, students will receive an Admission Ticket. Students should turn in a copy of their Admission Ticket to Mrs. Statham in B135 or Mrs. Rogers in C203 by Monday, March 9 th. Mrs. Statham will start meeting with students for SAT registration on March 10 th if he/she has not registered at home
Online Registration Registration is complete when: – You have a Registration Number AND – You print your Admission Ticket
On Test Day Students will need to bring #2 pencils (not mechanical) and a calculator Eat a healthy breakfast and bring some snacks- it will be a long day! It is very important that all students try your best… you can choose to send your scores to colleges for FREE!!
Free SAT Practice Tests On the back of the voucher and in the College Board handout, there is information regarding a FREE SAT online course!
Teachers Please return School Day SAT Registration Materials for absent students to Mrs. Statham in B135 by the end of the day.