Factors Affecting Student Study Allison FoyJustin Messina
Introduction Students have differing methods of study Assumption: focus and speed (time to complete test) are interrelated
Objective To test if outside factors affect student scores on a basic arithmetic test
Design Three Factors, Factorial ◦ Subjects (Blocking factor) ◦ Music genre (Heavy metal, Classical, No music) ◦ Room temperature (55°F, 70°F) One Replicate 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24 experiments
Problem Bank
Experiment Results SUBJECTS 1234 TEMPERATURE 55°F70 ° F55 ° F70 ° F55 ° F70 ° F55 ° F70 ° F Heavy Metal Classical None # Score (Response) # Experiment Order
Analysis of Variance on Score Subject Music150.58
Analysis Observations: Subject = significant Music = significant Temperature = not significant *Subject appears to more heavily affect results
Normal Probability Plot
Residual Plots
Analysis of Variance with Interaction
Analysis Observations: Initially, no error or F-values; significance estimation based on Seq SS values ◦ Subject = significant ◦ Music = significant ◦ Temperature = not significant *All 2-way and 3-way interactions were determined to be not significant
Normal Probability Plot
Residual Plots
Main Effects Plot
Interaction Plot
Conclusions Subjects have different skill levels Heavy metal music produces the lowest scores No music and classical music produce the highest scores Room temperature does not affect score