V 2.1 TFI Wordle
V 2.1 Objectives of Session: 1.Not bore you to sleep 2.Types of PBIS Data 3.pbisapps.org 4.PBIS Evaluation Tools 5.Action Planning
V 2.1 Classes of Data ● Effort data (Are we working the plan?) ● TFI-Used for Progress monitoring ● Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) ● Outcome data (Is it having an effect?) ● Core Reports - Graphs ● Triangle % ● Fidelity data (Are we following the plan?) ●Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) ▪Used with walkthrough as an annual assessment
V 2.1 Pbisapps.org ● SWIS – School-Wide Information System ● PBIS Assessments ●Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) ● Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
V 2.1 Three-Four reports are available for the Tools: Total Score Subscale Score Individual Item Sub Subscale Score TFI Only PBIS Assessment Reports
V 2.1 Self Assessment Survey (SAS)
V 2.1 ▪WHO: Completed by all teachers, staff and administrators in your school building ▪WHAT: Examines the status and need for improvement of four behavior support systems (school-wide, classroom, non classroom, individual students) ▪WHERE: At your school ▪WHEN: Annually, usually at the beginning or towards the end of each school year ▪HOW: All school staff take the survey online at PBIS Assessment: Self-Assessment Survey (SAS )
V 2.1 Online View of Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
V 2.1 Online View of Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
V 2.1 SAS Total Score Report School-wide Non-classroom Classroom Individual
V 2.1 SAS Subscale Report
V 2.1 SAS Individual Items Report
V 2.1 ▪Choose one to three things to work on from your high priority- partially in place list. ▪Develop a plan for putting those items in place at your school. ▪Share results and action step proposals with staff to increase staff knowledge and willingness to participate in the plan Determine Action Steps ▪Your review of the SAS reports will lead you to action steps your team will take to improve your implementation of PBIS. ▪On the SAS look for a match between high priority and partially in place. ▪ ▪Determine two or three actions your school will take as a result of the Self Assessment Survey. Review your results Data Based Decision Making Action Planning from the SAS
V 2.1 Version 2.1 School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
V 2.1 ▪The purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is to provide an efficient and valid index of the extent to which PBIS core features are in place within a school. ▪Tier I (Universal PBIS) ▪Whole School Universal Prevention ▪Tier II (Targeted PBIS) ▪Secondary, Small Group Prevention ▪Tier III (Intensive PBIS) ▪Tertiary, Individual Support Prevention Purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
V 2.1 ▪Primary purpose of the instrument is to help school teams improve ▪Primary audience for instrument results is the team, faculty, families and administrators of the school. ▪Effective use of the instrument requires multiple administrations (progress monitoring) SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is a Self-Assessment
V 2.1 ▪Formative Assessment ▪ Determine current PBIS practices in place and needed prior to launching implementation ▪Progress monitoring ▪ Self-assess PBIS practices by tier to guide implementation efforts, and assess progress by tier ▪ Build action plan to focus implementation efforts ▪Annual Self-Assessment ▪ Self-assess annually to facilitate sustained implementation of PBIS ▪State Recognition ▪ Determine schools warranting recognition for their fidelity of PBIS implementation. Uses of the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
V 2.1 Data from the TFI
V 2.1 ▪Total Score ▪Subscale ▪Sub-subscale ▪Individual Items Summary Data and Reports Note: Pending Beta Test we continue to use the 80% benchmark at each tier to indicate “implementation at criterion”
V 2.1 Subscale Reports
V 2.1 ▪Sub-subscale ▪Tier I ▪Teams ▪Implementation ▪Evaluation ▪Tier II ▪Teams ▪Interventions ▪Evaluation ▪Tier III ▪Teams ▪Resources ▪Assessment ▪Support plan ▪Monitoring and adaptation ▪Item Report Sub-subscale and Item Reports
V 2.1 Reviewing Scoring & Action Planning
V 2.1 Data-Based Decision Making Action Planning Focus on Tier 1 Choose 1-3 items to take action on Develop a plan to share with staff to increase their knowledge and willingness to participate Your External Facilitator will help guide your action planning
V 2.1 ▪Targeted Interventions Reference Guide MapTargeted Interventions Reference Guide Map ▪Tier III Support Plan WorksheetTier III Support Plan Worksheet ▪Action Planning GuideAction Planning Guide Supports for Tier II/Tier III and Action Planning ▪TFI ManualTFI Manual ▪Pre-Administration DocumentationPre-Administration Documentation ▪TFI Crosswalk with PBIS Assessment ToolsTFI Crosswalk with PBIS Assessment Tools ▪Administering the TFI with Teams Slide PresentationAdministering the TFI with Teams Slide Presentation Pre-Administration & Preparation TFI Resources
V 2.1 Data from the TFI