Practicing the Practices Fostering mathematical proficiency by engaging students in Mathematical Habits of Mind
Norms A thoughtful and honest conversation amongst those of us who are engaged in our learning community today…
Session Outcome O Increase knowledge about what it means to be mathematically proficient in the Standards for Mathematical Practice O Examine and develop an in-depth understanding of the CCSS for Mathematical Practice O Begin to explore and practice strategies for implementing the CCSS for Mathematical Practice as a vehicle to develop CCSS content standards
What are The Standards for Mathematical Practice?
Putting the Practices into Action Read “Introduction” pgs. XI-XV “BLOCK PARTY” O Pick a quote to record on the index card that describes a mathematically proficient student. O Mingle around the room sharing your quote illustrating what mathematically proficient students do.
Mathematically proficient students: O blend content knowledge with the ability to apply content knowledge to solve problems O communicate math ideas O justify solutions O model math concepts O reason to make sense of mathematics “Putting the Practices into Action”
Discuss the question given to your group. 1. What is the role of the SMPs in the CCSS? 2. How do these Practices relate to content standards? 3. Can these Practices be taught in isolation? 4. Why is it important for teachers to better understand these standards? 5. How will the understanding of these Practices impact math proficiency for your students? 6. How will the understanding of these Practices impact our math instruction?
Strategies to Promote the Practices O Shift the locus of mathematical control O Develop perseverance O Increase opportunities for communication O Ask higher-order questions O Seek multiple solutions and/or representations O Attend to vocabulary O Make connections within and across mathematics
Grouping the SMPs (McCallum, 2011)
Websites O Inside mathematics to see practices in action andard-1 andard-1 O Mathematics Assessment Project O Opus free mathematics problem bank O Common Core Quick Tips cktips.html?emp=e9GQG3&mail_id=e9GQG3 cktips.html?emp=e9GQG3&mail_id=e9GQG3
And more websites… O Arizona State Standards practices/mathematics-standards/ practices/mathematics-standards/ O Illustrative Mathematics Project dards/k8 dards/k8 O Implementing the Mathematical Practices O Math Solutions (Marilyn Burns)
Blogs I follow… O Dy/dan – Dan Meyer’s blog O Bryan Meyer’s blog ves/ /1.html ves/ /1.html O Overthinking my teaching – Christopher Danielson’s blog
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