FORMATTING STANDARDS Fonts Sans-Serif fonts recommended. Fonts used with the following templates: Articulate Narrow, Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold Colors BLUE BAR RGB 34,63,141 HEX 223f8d GOLD BAR RGB 208,138,40 HEX d08a28 GREEN BAR RGB 30,105,48 HEX 1e6930 DU REDRGB 238,45,35HEX ee2d23 GREYRGB 112,113,117HEX
EVENT TITLE More information about the event. Keep it brief. MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 CAPTION TITLE LOCATION/ROOM Contact information, etc. 9 AM – 1:00 PM
EVENT TITLE MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 LOCATION/ROOM Contact information, etc. 9 AM – 1:00 PM
More information about the event. Keep it brief. CAPTION TITLE EVENT TITLE MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 LOCATION/ROOM Contact information, etc. 9 AM – 1:00 PM
EVENT TITLE MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 LOCATION/ROOM Contact information, etc. 9 AM – 1:00 PM
COOKIE SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 3 WELCOME AREA Contact John Doe for more information 9 AM – 7:00 PM