Balance Principle of Art
Balance Balance adds interest to art. Balance, in a work of art, can be: Symmetrical Asymmetrical Radial distribution of weight = the distribution of weight.
Balance Line Shape Space Form Value Color Texture Balance can occur with all elements of design:
Symmetrical Balance Symmetrical balance Symmetrical balance is when elements on both sides of a central line appear to be about equal.
Symmetrical Balance Other terms for symmetrical balance are formal balance or classical balance.
Asymmetrical Balance Asymmetrical balance Asymmetrical balance is when art elements appear to be different on both sides of a central line.
Balance Asymmetrical balance has sides that are different, but are still in visual balance. A large flower shape is balanced by smaller leaves.
Asymmetrical Balance A large shape placed near the middle of a work of art can be balanced by smaller shapes placed toward the outer edge.
Asymmetrical Balance The smaller diamond is more interesting and therefore has more visual weight and balances the entire work of art.
Radial Balance Radial balance happens when all the elements radiate out a central point.
Radial Balance Radial balance happens when all the elements radiate out a central point.
Sketchbook Assignment Sketch and label a page of jewelry with: Symmetrical Balance Asymmetrical Balance Radial Balance Keep in mind a small, irregular shape will balance a larger, simple shape, even if it is the same color, value, or texture.