Anamalia Phyla Characteristics
Phylum Porifera System of pores through which water passes and food is captured Sponges are either radially symmetrical or asymmetrical Very simple nervous system Incomplete digestive system Open circulatory system using water
Phylum Cnidaria Aquatic (mostly marine) Have nematocysts– stinging cells for defense and prey capture usually found on tentacles Radial symmetry Incomplete digestive system (one opening for food and waste) Sexual and asexual reproduction Sessile life stage and motile life stage Simple nervous system lacking brain or central nervous system
Phylum Mollusca Mantle or shell Foot or tentacles Visceral Mass (place for organs) Complete digestive system No body segments Some hermaphroditic, some are males and females
Phylum Annelida Segmented bodies Hydrostatic skeleton Bilateral or radial symmetry Complete digestive system Closed circulatory system Simple nervous system
Phylum Arthropoda Segmented bodies Exoskeleton Modified appendages (legs, arms, claws…) Developed central nervous system Complete digestive system Bilateral symmetry
Phylum Echinodermata Marine aquatic Pentaradial symmetry Tube-feet that use suction for prey capture and movement Water-vascular system (for movement of feet) Calcified Skeleton (Generally internal)
Phylum Chordata Bony or cartilaginous endoskeleton Bilateral symmetry Segmented body, including segmented muscles Tail posterior to the anus at some stage of development Closed circulatory system Complete digestive system Developed central nervous system